Wish that we could be alone now if we could find some place to hide

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Leaving Cheshire was literally one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Not gonna lie, it was much more sad than when we left New York. I had never imagined that I would become so attached to Harry's family that it would seem like they're my family.

Anne was a mess, she couldn't stop crying. She kept complaining that Harry doesn't visit often and when he does it's only for the weekend. Gemma, on the other hand, was a bit chill but she also constantly kept hugging Harry. Obviously, Harry ended up crying - not just when leaving home, but also on the plane ride and when we got in the hotel and went to our room.

Me? I'm trying desperately hard to bottle everything in because I don't wanna break down at a point when Harry needs me. I miss Anne and Gemma terribly and there is nothing I want than to just stay with them. If only this promotional event wasn't going on at this particular moment.

Speaking of which, things have been hectic as ever. Seriously. The whole cast is busy from morning till night with the interviews, the photoshoots, the meet-and-greets and whatnot. That in turn causes their teams to be on their toes the entire time because the clothes have to be changed on and off and there's always the make up and hairstyling to go on with everything.

I've been so busy with Harry's wardrobe and also helping out with anything else that I barely eat all day, except for some tea and biscuit sometimes. Harry and I rarely get time to talk, apart from the small chit chat we have when I'm picking out his clothes and he's trying them on or when we retire in our room at the end of the day. But, even then we have like a five to ten minute conversation which usually revolves around asking how we're both doing and then we just doze off. Literally.

Would you believe it if I told you that we have covered promoting the film in the UK, France, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, India, Australia and a large portion of the US? Shocking, yeah? I know. Time flew past us in literally the blink of an eye while we just kept jumbling with the tasks on hand. We're in Boston right now, the next stop is Virginia, Dallas, and then Houston . After that, we'll be heading back home.

So, if I'm correct, it's been almost a month since we started touring. A month. And in this one month, the quality time I've spent with Harry is approximately fifteen hours. That's it. And in those fifteen hours, there was just one time for twenty minutes when we couldn't control ourselves and had a quickie in the changing room.

Now can you imagine how utterly annoyed and desperate and alone our state is? I barely get to see him. It makes me sad because we just started our relationship and then we were hauled into serious 24/7 buttload of work, making it seem like some sort of a long distance relationship.

I wish that we could be alone now if we could find some place to hide. I miss him. I miss him a lot.



I take a deep breath and silently count to ten as Kim calls my name for the tenth time since the day started. "Where were you?" She asks.

"I was helping the crew shift the equipment to the storage room, like you asked me to do."

"Uh-huh.." Her eyes don't leave her phone's screen as she throws off another task at me. "Okay, good. I want you to look after Eric for me."

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