Am I asleep, am I awake or somewhere in between?

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The sun rays cast amazing colours on the water and the waves crash effortlessly on the shore. It feels so good to sit on the damp sand and absorb the eery calmness of the sea.

I lazily draw hearts on the mud with my finger and write "S + H" inside. I could stay like this forever, even if it means getting insanely tanned.

"Don't you think we should go inside?"

I smile at the sound of the rough, husky voice. Shielding my face with my hand, I look up to see at the beautiful face of my boyfriend, Harry.

"You've had the sun for too long, babe." He says and my heart skips a beat.

"Yeah.. But you haven't had the sun at all. You've been inside the whole time." I pout my lips at him and he scrunches up his nose. I love it when he does that. His little pointed nose becomes even more tiny and his dimples accentuate. All I wanna do right now is to kiss his angelic face.

"Sit with me." I offer him my hand and he takes it, giving it a peck before sitting down and throwing his arm around my shoulder. The odds are in my favour. Maybe I can kiss him after all.

The sun rays hit his skin and I swear to God, he seems to glow. Edward-constipated-Cullen is nothing compared to the shine my Harry gives out. I could stare at him all my life and feel awed every time at this beauty.

"Savannah?" His voice makes me smile again. I love how my name rolls around his tongue. He says it so lovingly like it's the only word he knows, the only word that means a lot to him.

"Hmm?" I ask dreamily, absorbed in my thoughts.

"You're drooling." His abruptness breaks my pretty line of thoughts and I move back, instantly wiping my mouth.

Crap! I am drooling. Leave it on me to drool a freaking Niagara Falls by just looking at Harry and admiring him. There goes my chance of kissing him.

"You're still drooling." He reminds me and I furiously wipe my mouth again.

"Drool me a river.."

"The sea looks small in front of the amount of your saliva."

"Oh, look! You have your own nice pool of saliva. You could go swimming in it."

I squeeze my eyes shut at his constant nagging at my embarrassing situation. I want the waves to take me along with them so that I don't have to show my face to he world any more.

Before I can properly process anything, my eyes flow open. I blink a few times to adjust my vision and when I do, I don't see my beautiful Harry in front of me. Instead, I see my annoying best friend observing me with an even annoying smirk on her face.

"Done dreaming, sleeping- Oops! Drooling beauty?" She asks me very sweetly.

"Shut up, Hazel." I groan and move my face only to realize that I had indeed been drooling.

"Aww man.. Seriously..?" I wipe my mouth and make a disgusted face. This always happens. Every time I dream about Harry, I end up drooling a bit. But right now, it honestly seems like the world's glaciers melted and pooled up on the table. You idiot, Savannah.

"I see your drooling game has been improving."

"I honestly want to kill you sometimes." I mumble.

"No, you don't. Because if I wasn't here to look after you, you'd bring a tsunami from your drooling." She states and gives me a tissue.

I roll my eyes and a slight smile creeps on my face as I take the tissue from her and clean the table.

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