Am I the only believer?

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I made a mistake, didn't I? I shouldn't have shouted at Savannah.

But, what was I supposed to do? What are you supposed to do when your girlfriend is seen hanging out with your one true arch nemesis?

I know, I know, she is not my girlfriend but come on! She's gonna pretend to be the love of my life soon and then she pulls off the seemingly love triangle.

And, Alex. My blood literally starts boiling the moment I think about him. So imagine my state when I saw him with Savannah on the front page of the news paper. I am a hundred and one percent certain it was his plan; to casually hang out with Savannah and then get caught on camera. I'm positive he contacted the paparazzi and acted innocent. That bastard.

"Harry?" I look up at Kim peeking from the door.


"Is Savannah here?" She asks me.

"Not yet. Lou told me her alarm didn't go off, so she'll be a bit late."

"Oh, great." Kim throws up her hands in exasperation. "Just what we needed."

I kinda feel defensive for Savannah. It's not like she's being late on purpose. She's a very hard working and dedicated girl, someone who never backs out of a responsibility once she's taken control of it.

"I'm here!" Both, Kim and I, turn our heads at the sudden announcement by Savannah, who looks as fresh as a daisy. And, very cute.

Alright, lover boy. Take it easy.

I clear my throat and force myself to focus on the script in my hands.

"I don't want this happening again, Savannah." Kim sternly tells her.

"I promise it won't."

Kim nods and leaves to check up on Alex and Sam.

"Hey.." I mumble to Savannah, who's busy organizing her stuff and running through the manuscript to check the wardrobe for today.

"Hi." She shortly answers and then heads in the closet.

I follow her and sit on one of the chairs positioned inside. The way she's ignoring me right now has confirmed my thoughts that she's angry at me for screaming at her.

I decide to start up a conversation. "So, I was -"

But I'm interrupted by her. "Alright, I want you to try these on, please."

"Sure." I take the faded jeans and a tank top from her and head inside the changing room.

She can't be that mad, can she? I mean, she isn't even ready to listen to me. What sucks even more is that I'm so used to talking to her while deciding for clothes that not talking right now feels eerily creepy.

Since it's just a tank top, my arms are exposed and a lot of my chest. I step out and notice Savannah gasp for a split second, and then she goes back to keeping a straight face. A part of me feels flattered, to be quite honest.

"Hmm.." She muses as she comes near me to scrutinize her selection. "What this needs.. Is a cap and a jacket.."

As she rummages through hundreds of clothes and accessories, I can't help but stare at how absolutely cute she looks in her simple jeans and T-shirt. Her hair is tied in a bun and some loose strands keep falling down on her face.

"Harry?" I snap out of my trance as she snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah, yeah.. Sorry, I was.. Thinking."

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