The script was written and I could not change a thing

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I'm gonna tell you a secret. And I'm seriously hoping you don't tell this to anyone. I think I may have a small, tiny crush on Savannah.

I'm not saying that I'm totally into her and she lights up my world and all that shit. But, you know, how someone can make you feel better and sometimes be the highlight of your day? Well, she is that.

A week has passed since she's been managing my wardrobe and I must say, she has absolutely been nailing it. It's like she's a natural at this stuff. Kim just has to tell her what look she wants and like a freaking Fairy Godmother waving her magic wand, my clothes appear from the wardrobe and they're always spot-on.

Fairy Godmother? Really, Harry? Really? You couldn't have said Fairy Godgirlfriend or something?

That sounded weird.. Congratulations, Styles. You've reached a whole new level of lameness.

I shake my head and rummage through my duffel bag for the shirt I was wearing originally. I swear I put it back in here, where did it go?


I turn around at Savannah's voice and find her peeking through the door. Her hair is tied up in an extremely messy bun with a pencil sticking out from behind. That cutie.

"Are you looking for your shirt?"

"I am, yeah.."

She nods and points to the far corner of the room. "Right there."

And indeed, the shirt is helplessly lying on top of the chair. I look back at her and smile gratefully. "Thank you."

She smiles sweetly at me and mouths a "you're welcome".

This. It's this selfless, warm thing about her. This ability to do everything she can to prove herself. This tendency to look after people. This is what's making me like her.

Don't worry, it's just a tiny crush. I swear. It won't turn into anything serious, because I'm honestly a bit tired of relationships and commitments. I consider her a very good friend, even though it's only been a week since I've known her.

Changing back into my clothes, I meet the team and head out of the studio. Just as I reach my car, I spot Savannah walking towards the gate.

"Savannah!" I scream her name. She turns around and shields her eyes from the sun rays with her hands.

"Where are you going?" I take some steps towards her and she copies my action.

"Home. Gonna catch a cab."

The words escape my mouth before I could think twice. "I could drop you."

"Oh, no! It's totally fine, really." She waves her hand and shakes her head.

I take my shades off and look at her properly; her forehead is creased with all the frowning and she has this scrunchy look on her face. Sometimes I feel like she's bipolar. I mean, the moment she sees me at work, she sort of panics for a split second and her cheeks turn the lightest shade of red. And then as soon as she's assigned some work, she gets all professional and doesn't even acknowledge me at times.

"Please, I insist."

She seems to debate for a second and then flails her hands in the air. "Alright."


I nod happily and walk towards the car with her trailing beside me. Once we get inside, I tell my driver, Anthony, that we'll first head over to Savannah's place and then go home.

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