These shades would hide us from the streets

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Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim readers! Hope you all had a wonderful day, I sure as hell did. And may this Eid be a blessed one for us all.
- H <3


"This is such a bad idea." I say as a nervous laugh escapes my mouth. "We are gonna get caught and then totally swarmed."

Harry puts on the grey oversized hoodie and starts tying the laces on his joggers. "Nah, I've done it before. We won't get caught."

"Are you seriously saying that we're gonna go out in public in a disguise and no one, not a single person will recognize us?"

"Well," he pouts his lips, "we could always make a run if someone sees us."

This is insane. He suddenly decided that we're going out but that we'll try and disguise ourselves by wearing large hoodies and caps and whatnot. I tried reasoning with him that we can just get going like we always have and not care about what anyone says or does, but the stubborn boy he is, he refused to listen to me.

"Why are we acting so afraid all of a sudden anyways?" I ask as I wear my own blue hoodie and tie my hair up in a bun. "And just so you know, fans aren't easily fooled with a fake persona."

He walks over to me and pulls the hood above my head, making sure it fully covers the sides of my face. "Stop worrying, banana. We won't be recognizable. Plus," he places a pair of gigantic dark glasses over my eyes and grins, "these shades would hide us from the streets."

"You're ridiculous." I roll my eyes.

He smirks. "I know."

We go out of the apartment and into the open wilderness (I exaggerate stuff, get used to it). The moment we step out, an eery feeling of fright takes over me, quite possibly because this is one of the most exciting things I've done in my entire existence. I'm pretty sure that this plan of Harry will be an epic fail but my negative thoughts are slowly replaced with positivity when I see people walking past us without noticing.

"They really don't recognize us.." I mumble as a two teenage girls walk past Harry and I literally stare at them to test ourselves.

"Well, they would if you keep ogling at them."

I snap out of my thoughts and lightly elbow Harry in the ribs. "See?" He says smugly, "I told you it'd work."

"Are we gonna keep walking?? Because I would totally love to do exactly that!"

He laughs loudly. "Whoa! Calm yourself, banana. No need to get so hyper."

"Are you kidding me? I haven't felt so comfortable and at ease outside since ages! I could keep walking and walking and walking and -"

"And walking and walking and walking and walking -"

"Harry!" I giggle, punching him playfully. "Stop it!"

"You started it. Apparently you can just keep walking and walking and -"

"Staaaahp!" I cover his mouth with my hand and he reflexively wraps his arms around my waist. His wide grin slowly fades and my laughter subsides as we realize how close we're standing, our bodies pressed against each other. Both of us are wearing shades so neither of us can really see each others eyes and I'm very thankful for that, because my back feels like its burning from where his hands are placed and I don't think I have the stamina to look into his eyes.

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