If you like having secret little rendezvous

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The next couple of days, Harry and I make sure to somehow make time for each other. I know that we're both busy, but what happened two days back was like an alarm for us. We both realized that it is crucial for us to spend time with each other if we want a healthy relationship.

To be honest, I'm happy beyond belief. I don't even feel angry or upset about the incident that happened with Kim. In fact, when I really think about it, it was mostly my fault. I think the reason I got so gloomy was partly because of the fact that she screamed at me and partly because I was missing Harry.

It's weird. I never knew I was the kind of person who would want to be with a specific someone almost the whole time. Apparently, I am. Because every time he's not around me, I feel the need to have him close, to see him near me. And whenever he's with me, I want to keep talking to him, or look at him, or kiss him, or just be in his presence.

You're acting like a love-sick puppy. I roll my eyes at myself. So maybe I am? What's the big deal? I'm in love and I have no complains.

Actually, I'm acting more like a goofy, idiotic love-sick puppy who can't stop smiling as I reread the small note in my hand for the hundredth time.

Savannah banana, first of all, let me just say that I love you. Second of all, I know we've decided that we'll take out time for each other and we have successfully been doing that since two days now, but I decided to spice things up a little bit. You know, since our love life is nowhere near spicy at the moment and I have absolutely no idea when I'll get inside your panties (whoopsies), let's play a game. But, only if you like having secret little rendezvous ;)
Send me a quick text if you're ready. Love you, babe.
- H

I bite my lip with happiness and fall back on the bed. My stomach is already full of butterflies and I feel like I'm a teenager again who just got a love note from her crush. I mean, just thinking about the fact that he has started calling me 'babe' and 'baby' now is enough to make me blush.

I reach over to my phone on the bedside table and send him a message: Ready as I'll ever be, babe. Love you, too.

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