Tell me I'm a screwed up mess

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My head bumps against the window as the plane encounters some turbulence and my eyes flow open in a panic mode. I squeeze my eyelids shut and take a few deep breaths before opening the cover of the arm rest and pulling out the food tray to rest my head on it.

"Are you alright?" Harry asks me.

"Fine." I mumble.

I stay like that for a couple of minutes, trying to calm my racing heart beat and nullify the throbbing pain in the right side of my head. The plane is swaying and jolting as it continues its flight and I feel like someone is hitting me with a hammer, along with shaking me harshly. As if the restless nap I took wasn't enough to make me feel like shit, this headache and nausea has made sure that I feel no less than pure and utter crap.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asks again in an extremely worried tone.

I pull back and lean against the seat, keeping my eyes closed. "My head hurts. And the turbulence is making me sick."

"Want some cold water?"

I nod slightly, making sure not to cause any sudden movements to my head. I hear footsteps as someone - probably, Margaret - comes and stands beside us.

"Margaret, can you please bring a cold glass of water?" Harry requests her.

"Of course. Be right back."

I sense Harry shuffling beside me before he speaks, "We're almost there, though. Half an hour remaining approximately."

A small wave of relief washes over me, but it is soon replaced with confusion as I realize that I might have slept through the whole flight. "How long was I knocked out?"

Harry chuckles. "You literally went into hibernation the moment you decided to fall asleep. I think you slept for three hours or something."

I groan and stretch my legs which produce a cracking sound as my knees extend from their frozen flexed position. Margaret comes with a chilled glass of water and hands it to me, a troubled expression on her face as she takes in the sight of me.

"I look horrible, don't I?" I ask her after I take multiple huge sips. The cool temperature of the water soothes my agitated state and I let out a whiff of air peacefully. "Wow, that felt like Paradise."

Margaret gives me a sympathetic smile. "Feeling better?"

"Surprisingly, yes. Thank you."

She nods and scurries away. I sneak a glimpse at Harry from the corner of my eye, heat rises to my neck as I find him watching me closely. Ignore him, I think to myself as my hands start fidgeting just the slightest bit. The hair on my arms stand up as I sneak yet another glance at him only to discover that the sonofabiscuit is still staring at me. Frustratingly, I stand up too quickly and end up hitting my head on the overhead baggage compartment. A sharp pain shoots across my right side - again - as I fall back down on the seat.

"Ow..! Ow, ow, owww.." I whimper in agony, furiously rubbing the spot where my head collided with the ceiling. Could this flight get any more embarrassing?!

"Are you okay??" Harry asks me, his eyes wide with concern. "Does it hurt?"

"No, I'm just pretending to act in pain." I snap angrily at him. Stupid.

"Here," he extends his hand forward. "Let me help."

I reluctantly remove my hand from my head and let him take over. Initially, he presses the spot firmly with his fingers and I feel a dull sensation of pain which causes me to flinch.

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