With no way out and a long way down

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Hmm.. I don't look so bad.

I think to myself as I go through the fifth article written on Harry and I. The internet is flooding with speculations and assumptions as people try to decipher what exactly we both are doing.

And don't even start counting the different photos taken. I had thought that there'll be pictures of the time when the paparazzi swarmed us. But I had absolutely no idea that they had been following us since literally the moment we stepped out of my apartment complex.

There are around fifty photos of just us walking around. Then there are snaps from when we were sitting in the park and talking.


I lift my eyes up from my phone screen and see Sam making her way towards me with a sly smile on her face.

"Have you seen the news?" She asks me.

"The news?" I frown at her, feigning confusion. "Why, what happened?"

"Don't act like you don't know."

She takes out her phone and shows me the article that I have already read three times.

"Your hangout with Harry was a freaking hit!"

I gulp nervously at her selection of words. It's like she knows that we were faking it. She couldn't possibly know, right?

She grins excitedly and hands me her phone. "Look at this."

There's a photo of us from the time when we were rushing away from the paparazzi. Both, Harry and I, look incredibly uncomfortable and displeased. I have my arms folded across my chest and Harry seems to have his hand at my back, though not touching it, because I don't remember him doing that.

The caption written below the photo says: "Not liking the attention, the couple made their way in Harry's car and drove off".

I chuckle and then start laughing.

"What's so funny?" Sam asks me curiously.

"We look so annoyed!" I manage to speak between fits of laughter.

"Well, duh." She pokes me on my arm. "Considering you both had such an amazing time."

I roll my eyes, still giggling. "I did have a good time. We were getting to know each other before the paps came and ruined it."

Her grin widens. "Explains the irritated faces."

"Sam! Where are you?"

Kim's booming voice wipes the wicked grin off of Sam's face and she darts towards the door.

"Your phone!"

"Keep it with you!" She shouts and disappears from sight.

She can be so random sometimes, I swear.

I shake my head and scroll down to open a link for another article. It has almost the same information as the previous ones. Just when I'm about to exit this site, there is a photo of us featured in the bottom that makes my heart skip a beat.

It's from the park. I have my head turned sideways as I look into the distance, my hands folded on my lap. While Harry is beside me, leaning back and looking.

Looking at me. It's a close shot, so you can clearly see the picture. He's looking very intently at me, as if trying to figure me out, even though he can't see my face.

"What's up?"

I quickly close the tab and put the phone in my pocket as Harry enters and puts his bag on the floor.

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