Bad Luck

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"Ugh my alarm is going off again",groaning to myself I reach for the alarm clock, with my eyes still closed. Reaching out for my night stand I mumble to myself,"That's weird i always sit it next to my bed. Speaking of my bed, I could have sworn it was a little softer." Still trying to find my alarm clock I hear a deep voice chuckle. "Dad is that you?",I open my eyes to see some creep next to my bed. Jumping up I distance myself from the stranger and yell,"Who the hell are you?" After studying his face for a second all my memories from before rush back to me. Resting back on the bed I sigh,"Oh...never's just you."

He raises an eyebrow,"What aren't you glad to see me?" Ignoring his stupid question I look around the room to notice I'm in the hospital. Thinking to myself I notice my surroundings,"Wait I'm in the hospital! That means my parents have to come check me out since I'm under 18. Jazzy you're so smart!"

While I'm mentally high-fiveing myself Mr. Fat Head decides to crush my dreams, he says,"Your parents aren't coming to get you."

Looking at him in disbeliefe I shake my head,"What why not?"

He ignores my question and ask,"How's your hand feeling?" I look down at my left hand and notice a pink cast that goes up to my wrist. Grimacing at the color I start to think of my parents and how much I missed their annoying bickering.

I must have zone out because when i got out of my thoughts he was right in front of my face looking at my LIPS! Noticing what he's hinting at I get a great idea, I start looking at his lips, and I lick my lips so that he notices. I lean in closer so that were almost touching while looking him right in the eyes. With his breath fanning in my face I wisper,"I never really notice how cute you were until now." I close my eyes like I'm about to kiss him and I notice he is doing the same. So I quickly grab my bed pillow with my right arm and swing it so that it hits him right in the face. He sits there with shock written all over his face and I burst out laughing while clutching my stomach,"You should have seen your-" Before I could finish I was cut off because he pinned me down to the bed. Holding both my hands above my head he was stairing down at me with a smirk. I started to struggle,"Hey what the hell get off me!"

Giving a mistevious smile he said,"Nope it's my turn now."

"What's he gonna do?" My question was quickly answered when he smashed his lips on mine and began to kiss me. After my initial shock wore off, I closed my eyes and started moving my lips like him he broke the kiss, and started looking down at my but this time something about him was different. This time his eyes were black. Feeling scared I started trying to get from under him.

His voice came out deep and threatening,"Don't move!" Any sane person would have stop moving, but I was too scared of what would happen if I obeyed him. All of a sudden he opened his mouth and his canines enlongated and became unnatualy sharp. Trying even harder to get from under him, he sighed,"I warned you to stop ." Next thing I knew he bit into the crook of my neck, pain surged through my neck, and I screamed to the top of my lungs. Once he stopped biting me he licked my neck like some weirdo. When he brought his face up he looked worried but still had my blood on his mouth.

Confused beyond belief and lost for words I tried to speak,"Did you just? There's a. What?" I fainted before I could even understand the situation.

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