Deadly Trade

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I've given the weapon away. What now? What do I do, now? I can no longer stare at myself in the mirror and pretend to blast myself. I can't even pretend. I gave the gun to the Fallen Angel. Was that really a good idea? Hell, who knows. I just needed to get rid of it. I was so close... So close to ending myself. So close to leaving her alone. I can't do that. That's too selfish. I have to wait until she's gone, and then I can join her.

I didn't charge the boy when I gave him the gun. No, not when I myself had such little time. My mother, she would never know. She would never know that I held a weapon in my possession. If she found out, she would probably die from a heart attack before the cancer got to her. I can't be a murderer, can I? Of course I can. I was going to kill myself, wasn't I? Same thing, really...

Jin's eyes didn't fly open this time. They just slowly drifted awake along with the rest of him. He sat up, stretched, and ran his hands through his hair. He turned to the edge of the bed and stared at himself in the nearby mirror hanging on his wall. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and grabbed his phone off of his dresser.



"Can I come over today? I want to get out of the house right now. I need fresh air."

"Okay... But you'll have to leave in about an hour. My stepdad gets home early."

"Okay... I'll see you in a minute."


Jin hung up the phone and walked down the hall to his mothers room.


"Yes, Jin?"

"I-I'm going over to Yoongi's, okay? Just for an hour, I'll be back soon."

"Okay, have fun."

"I'll try," Jin muttered.

He didn't even bother getting dressed. He and Yoongi were used to each other looking like trash. It was how they naturally were.

Knock knock knock

Jin heard movement coming from behind the door and waited. It quickly flew open, revealing a tired looking boy.

"Hi, Jin. Why'd you want to come over today?" Yoongi asked as the two headed to the kitchen. They didn't have to walk far considering it was only five feet away from the front door.

"I already told you. I needed fresh air."

"Well you aren't going to get much of that in here," Yoongi sighed, looking around the room.

"Well, I also wanted to visit you. I get bored and lonely at my house, and you're like my only friend," Jin said as he took a seat at the small kitchen table.

"Yeah, same here," Yoongi said as he poured them both a glass of orange juice. He handed the cup to Jin and sat down across from him.

"You know, I sold the gun you gave me," Jin said after taking a sip of the juice.

"Really? Who'd you sell it to? And how much did you make?" Yoongi asked.

"I didn't make any money off of it-"

"Serious? The gun I gave you? It must've been worth something," Yoongi complained.

"Well, I don't know. I didn't care much about the money, anyways," Yoongi rolled his eyes at that.

"And I sold it to that Taehyung guy. You know him, right-"

Yoongi almost spat out his juice.

"What?! You sold it to that maniac?!"

"Look, I know you and him aren't the best of friends-"

"I hate him. I fucking hate him."

"-but, he said he really wanted it. His eyes lit up when I gave it to him."

"You gave my precious gun to that asshole?" Yoongi asked, still stuck on the fact that Jin gave his gun to his enemy.

"Yes! And I can't get it back now. I don't want it anyways," Jin sighed.

"Yeah, but what if I want it back now? You know, for our own safety."

"What do you mean?" Jin asked, confused.

"I mean, I don't think that kid's pretty stable. He seems a little insane to me," Yoongi said out of the corner of his mouth.

"Whatever. It's not like he's going to come to our houses and shoot us... He barley fucking knows us."

"Uh, he may not know you very well but he hates me, and that's a fact," Yoongi said.

"Yoongi, I don't think he's going to kill you. Chill. And if he does kill you, hopefully he kills both of us so we don't have to live without each other," Jin said with a weak smile. His only friend just so happened to be his best friend.

"Okay, fine. But-"

"No buts."

"But," Yoongi continued as if Jin hadn't interrupted.

"If he does kill me, it's all your fault."

"Okay, I'll take full responsibility for it. Hell, I'll even let the police arrest me for the crime," Jin said with a smirk on his face. I've got nothing to lose.

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