Lunch Buddies

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      Namjoon sat down at an empty table in the cafeteria. He stared at his food, not daring to eat it. School food was disgusting, plus, Namjoon was trying to lose weight. He was already 100 pounds. His next goal was 95. He would just keep starving, and starving, and starving.

      He felt himself constantly looking up from his food. He peered around at all the faces surrounding him. They were all laughing and talking. Smiling. Namjoon imagined being there in the moment with them. He hadn't laughed in a while, he forgot what it was like.

      Suddenly, two boy's sat down at the other end of his table. He tried to hide his face as if that would make him disappear, but he could feel their eyes burn into his skin. He hesitantly looked up.

      He was relieved to see that it was only a nice senior named Hoseok and... Taehyung? Namjoon's face went red again. His mind thought back on their awkward encounter that had happened a few days before.

      "Hi, Namjoon," Hoseok called from the other end of the table.

"H-Hi," Namjoon whispered with a small wave. He looked over at Taehyung who was glaring at him.

"Come sit with us!" Hoseok happily exclaimed. Namjoon felt butterflies form in his stomach. Say he did sit with them, he would have to sit next to Taehyung because there was no chair next to Hoseok. Namjoon sighed and walked over.

He plopped his tray down and sat next to the brown haired boy. Though, he scooted as far away as possible, as if he were afraid he would tear him to shreds.

"Namjoon this is Taehyung, Taehyung this is-"

"I... Already know who he is. The pencil tapper, right?" Taehyung smirked. Namjoon felt his cheeks turn red.


"Okay..." Hoseok slowly said, confused.

"Hey, Hobi," Taehyung nudged the boy with his feet under the table. Hobi? Is that like... His nickname? Namjoon thought to himself.


"You know that Yoongi kid?"

Ah, Yoongi. Namjoon knew about him. He's friends with that scrawny kid named Jin. Apparently, he's the one who told everyone in the school about Jin's mother. Why Jin is still friends with him? Who the hell knows.

"I've seen him here and there. What about him?" Hoseok asked.

"He punched me in the face. At my own damn house. Who does that?!"

"What'd you do this time?" Hoseok asked doubtfully yet jokingly.

"Me? Aha, well it was mostly him," Taehyung said with a sheepish grin.

"Okay. What'd he do?"

"Well he kept calling me a middle class bastard. It's a long story, really. Then, he called me an attention-whore. You see, that's the thing that got me. I argued with him and then... Well, he got a punch to the face," Taehyung said nonchalantly. Hoseok chuckled a bit.

"As long as it was well deserved, I'm fine with it," he smiled. Namjoon felt odd, just listening in on their conversation. It felt like eavesdropping. He felt uncomfortable.

Then, Taehyung turned to him.

"Do you know Yoongi?"

"Uh... Well... Kind of-"

"Okay, cool. Next time you see him, give him a real hard hit in the-"

"Taehyung stop. You've already beat up that kid enough. Don't make other people do your dirty work. Don't be like them," Hoseok pointed to a table full of people. In the midst of those people was Jimin. Taehyung's smile faded, replaced by something evil.

"Please, I'll never be like them. They're all pathetic. They put on masks to hide their insecurities. I let mine show because I don't give a fuck," Taehyung muttered as he stared at the large crowd. Namjoon looked over at them.

"I've never talked to them before. Are they nice-"

"Nice?! Nice?! Hell no, they'll eat you alive and spit you back out! Don't talk to them. Don't go anywhere near them, for your own good. They're cancerous. Honestly," Taehyung growled.

'Damn, he must've had some bad experiences,' Namjoon thought to himself as he took one last look at the group of people.

Deep down, he knew they were bad. He could tell just by looking at them. But for some reason, a part of him would give up all of his intelligence just for them to know his name.

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