To the Wargames: End word and Acknowledgements

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Heir to the Elements is being written as shorter books or series to allow the readers (that's you of course) to navigate them much easier. Even I was beginning to struggle finding the exact story I wanted, and I wrote them!

So here’s the link to the next Heirs, named “Wargames”, which will involve more action, more elements and more villains than you could hopefully poke a stick at, if you can poke a stick at them all then it must be some sort of super stick which will then probably be used by Skull at some point. Or by the Heir who utilizes Nature possibly. Either way I will want that super stick of yours for “Wargames”.

Wait, the link? Oh yes, sorry about that, here, take it, not like I need it.

Note if this isn’t a link then I may not be able to help you….

Oh wait I can, on the right hand of your screen it should have a picture above my username (not yours that will take us somewhere else), click on the name or picture and it should take you to my profile, once there look for Heir to the Elements: Wargames. (Or I could leave the link in the comments, check there too if possible).

Good luck with that!

And once again, thank you everyone for reading and on occasions commenting, it has encouraged me to write about Vulcan and his strange companions much more often than I had originally intended. I hope you have enjoyed reading Heirs as much as I have enjoyed writing it.



Heir To The Elements 1: Rise of the HeirsWhere stories live. Discover now