Chapter 5: Just Let Me Hear Your Voice

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"I--don't worry about it. Look, yes, I kissed him, and slept with him, but--Damon knows nothing will happen between us again" Caroline gave me a look. "Okay, maybe $£x again--but even that's unlikely!" I promised.

"Kat?" my eyes widened and the whole room seemed to freeze when I heard my twins voice.

"Yeah, sis?" I gulped slightly, finding her frowning in the doorway.

"You slept with Damon?" she raised a brow as I nodded. "Can we talk?" she walked away anyway, and I knew I had to follow. I gave Care a playful glare on the way to my Sister's destination. "How? Why? Where? When?" she quizzed when we reached the foyer.

"We both started drinking, and one thing led to another. It was the night before the sixties dance, here obviously. And because we were bored?" I answered all of the questions, I think?

"Are you kidding, Kat?! You know how bad he can be!" she scolded.

"See, this is why I didn't tell you. I knew you'd bite my head off! But that's the difference between us, Elena! You sleep with people for love, I do it because I'm bored. Damon's my friend, it will forever be like that and you need to trust me on this. I feel nothing towards him but friendship, if it progresses I'll warn you" I glared.

"What about this mystery kiss then?" she asked her final question.

"He was dying, Elena. I thought he was taking his final breaths, he chose to admit his love for me with those last few breaths and I felt bad. It wasn't romantic, it wasn't going to lead to any intimacy, it was a simple goodbye to a dying friend. Nothing more" I explained.

"You promise?" she took a breath.

"Cross my heart and hope to die big sis" I batted my lashed and let the glare drop.

"I hate you, you know" she sighed.

"Mean it?" I pouted slightly.

"You know I don't" I grinned at her exasperated look before she pulled me in for a hug. Well, that talk went better than I expected...


This is nowhere near as small as Care promised Elena, but who cares? It's my 18th birthday and there is loud music and booze around me, why should I care who's attending the party? "This looks tight?" Damon appeared behind me, tugging on the sleeve of my dress slightly.

"Thanks for the observation, captain obvious" I rolled my eyes and continued dancing, allowing the music to guide my dance moves.

"You make me miserable, you know?" Damon joined me as my dance partner.

"How so Mr. Salvatore?" I raised an eyebrow in interest.

"You still manage to tease me and it becomes more and more tiresome with each day" by the sounds of it, he's gritting his teeth.

"I'm not purposely teasing Damon, you just turn everything into a punishment for yourself" I turned and wrapped my arms around his shoulders as we continued to dance.

"How is you being here all summer--" I cut him off.

"Reading through Stefan's journals" was my reason.

"Strutting around in next to nothing--" he was cut off again.

"A T-shirt and leggings aren't next to nothing" was another reason of mine.

"Tempting me day and night--" stopped with another sentence.

"By having actual conversations with you?" I raised a brow.

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