Chapter 18

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  Harry's P.O.V.

 I walked into my bedroom, only to see my phone in Zayn's hands.

 "Why do you have my phone is your hands Zayn?" I was angered, how dare that son of a bitch look through my phone. I looked up at him, only to see his back facing me, but my voice most likely startled him causing him to lose grip of my phone. I gripped my hair and held in a loud scream. I saw Zayn try to catch it but it still fell, that little bitch is going to get it.

 Calm down, Harry. Things are just getting better, why ruin it.

 Because that little motherfucker went through my phone!

 Are you sure? You only saw him with your phone in your hands, nothing else!

 Fuck off.

 Why the hell am I having a conversation with myself? Since when was such a loser, who had to talk to myself? Oh yeah, since this little cunt came into my life and ruined everything. I had everything planned out; I would go to parties on Friday and Saturday, and on the weekend I would chill with my "friends", or as I like to call them the people who hang out with me just because I'm popular in this town. By popular, I mean everyone in this town knows who I am, and what to do when I'm angry. Hide and ignore me.

 I took deep breaths, attempting to calm myself. I knew that if I didn't I would blow up causing a huge fight; and even more tears. All our process would be gone, just like that. I closed my eyes and tried to block out all sounds coming into my ears.  I rubbed my temples, and continued to breathe deeply.

 I opened my eyes to see Zayn with my phone in his hands. He was smiling, but as soon as I opened my eyes, fear washed over all happiness found in his eyes. That means nothing happened right? Why would he be smiling if he broke it? He knows that would only anger me further, so that has to mean its fine.

 I still needed to know what Zayn was doing with my phone, and I planned to stop at nothing to find out.

 "Do I have to repeat myself, or are you going to answer the question."

 He shook his head, and I assumed it was to say he forgot the question. It better, if he refuses to answer me I swear to god I will chop his hand off and smack his with it.

  "Why were you going through my phone?" My voice was cold, and stern. There was no sympathy behind it, why would there be?

  "It kept vibrating, and I thought it was an emergency because the person kept calling." Bullshit. He could have just told me, instead of picking it up and looking through my phone.

  "Why wouldn't you just call me?" I saw him panic while he thought of an answer, which could only mean one thing. He was lying.

  "You weren't here, I promise I wasn't going to look through your phone, I just wanted to know who it was, and if it was an emergency." Who was it? Nobody would call me multiple times, never. I always told people if I didn't pick up, either shoot me a text or leave me a voicemail.


  "Well, what?" Is he stupid? I feel like he's purposely trying to piss me off. I sighed loudly before opening my mouth yet again.

  "Who was it Zayn?" I looked at Zayn, waiting for an answer. He opened his mouth only to close it. He looked at me and trembled under me stare.

 "Who was it?" I repeated myself. He closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.

  "It was her." Who the hell is her?

  "Who's her?"

  "Who do you think?" What game is he playing?

  "If you haven't noticed, there could be many different hers Zayn! Just spit it out!"

  "Fine, you want to know?" He spoke with a slight attitude, and I rolled his eyes at that.

  "Obviously." Its official, he's stupid.

  "It was Amy."

 He looked pissed off, but I was even more pissed off. At Zayn and Amy. I told Amy to never contact me again, after that bitch pretended like that baby of her's was mine. I never even had sex with her, yet I believed her. God, I'm an idiot.

 I walked over to Zayn, and yanked my phone out his hand. I unlocked my phone and looked at all the text messages and missed calls. Clicking on one of the missed called; I waited for her to pick up.

 Finally, she did.

 "Hey babe!" I cringed at her squeaky voice.

 "What the fuck do you want with me, and why did you call you little bitch?"


 A/N: There's a lot of foul language I guess, but that's what Harry's like (in the book) so idk.

 Thanks for 600 reads ! It means a lot, and sorry for not updating in 3 or 4 days? Longer update than usual to make up for it~

 *not edited*

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