Chapter 11

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A strip of sunlight dusted across my closed eyelids, lighting them up to a pale red colour. I groaned, head pounding, and snuggled deeper into my soft pillow.

Hangovers suck.

What even happened last night? I rack my brain for at least one event.

The power of alcohol is controlling. You don't think straight and you do what your body tells you to. It does what it wants.

I can only remember one thing from last night, and I wish I didn't remember it. 

I was drunk and he was drunk. I wasn't thinking, he wasn't thinking. We were both teenagers with broken hearts and we kissed each other.

That's all I remember. Niall and I shouldn't have kissed. I like, no scratch that, love Harry. Why the hell am I still here? Why don't I get my phone, call him back and ask for an explanation. After all, he never had a chance to explain. This could all be a big misunderstanding. I'm sick of sitting here and doing nothing.

Niall is an amazing friend; but he's being unfair right now. I mean the only two people I've seen other than him are Liam and Louis; only because they are the best and they can persuade anyone.

I have no clue where Niall is, he's not sleeping beside me. I check the house to no avail, Niall isn't in sight. I take this as an opportunity to dig out my phone. I should probably be worrying about where he is and trying to find him but I have no cell phone so I can't call him. If he complains when he's back, I'll tell him I couldn't do anything.

Digging through all the drawers I find nothing. I then hear my phone vibrating again. I follow the sound of it and end up in the closet of Niall's room. I find my phone and do a small victory dance.

Soon I hear the sound of the door opening. I put my phone on silent and put it in my boxers. Pulling the blanket over me, I pretend to be asleep. Niall's footsteps echo through the room and so does the sound of the bedroom door opening. I hear his footsteps coming close to me.

"I really wish that kiss wasn't while we were drunk."

A/N: This is probably my worst chapter but I was busy all day, and I wanted to update so I rushed it. I know it’s short but I update everyday so idk.

goodnight x

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