Chapter 5

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 I headed up after realising how dark it had gotten. I looked like it was 10, but in reality it was only 7. As much as I hated to admit it, I was scared to go home. I was scared to see Harry. Would he ignore me? Would he forgive me? I spent all day thinking about the different possibilities and I came up with at least 50. It kind of scares me to be honest. I have no control over what will happen, because Harry will choose our fate.

 I walked into our flat, and then into the kitchen. I hadn't eaten lunch or dinner, so to say I was hungry was an understatement. Opening the fridge, I pulled out leftover pasta. I began to eat. Soon after, Harry walked in, he looked at me and rubbed his temples with his massive hands. I’ve always thought his hands were massive, I mean it covered a whole baby’s stomach.

 He looked me over before opening his mouth, only to end up closing it again. I wondered what he was about to say but I decided that it was better if I didn’t know. It would probably be the start to another argument, but I decided to take a risk.


 “Yes?” The tone of his voice suggested that he wasn’t mad. I was starting to get hopeful.

 “I’m sorry for what I said –I truly am.” I didn’t go into a full blown apology, because last time it didn’t work so well.

 “It’s fine, just forget it.” I’m so glad he forgave me, but I know the routine. After this, he will go back to concentrating on his work, and everything other than me. It sucks, but at least we will not be in an argument, and that’s all I ask. Well, later on I will probably complain about him being so closed off, but I’m going to let that slide for a while. I’m not entirely too sure on how long a while will be, but it’ll probably be only one week.

 “I’m headed to bed. Goodnight” I truly was exhausted.

 “Night”, he replied.

 I headed towards our bedroom and went on my phone for a bit, before heading to bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard the footsteps of Harry heading towards me. I pretended to be asleep, but I felt Harry kiss my temple and whisper something about being sorry about what has to happen next. I knew what that meant, well, partially. He would ignore me, be rude to me, etc. I wondered if it would be different this time, if Harry knew the damage he was causing to me. He most likely didn't, but no one could blame me for having hope.

The morning after I headed to Niall's house since I hadn't called him since leaving his house. We talked for a bit and I explained what happened. He told me to stop going back to Harry but I couldn't Instead of talking about Niall's hate for Harry, I suggested we play football. We headed to the park and immediately started kicking the ball around.

 While kicking the ball to Niall, I made conversation with him seeing as we haven't had much time to talk about him due to some issues with Harry. Niall had a girlfriend and her name was Amy, she was kind of fake and bitchy. I didn't tell Niall that because he seemed happy with her, and who was I to ruin that? I decided to ask him about his girlfriend, because I haven't seen her in a while.

 "How's Amy?"

  He abruptly stopped playing football with me, and looked down sadly. I wasn't expecting what I heard next.

  "We broke up, she cheated on me. I might forgive her though. She said she didn't mean it." When he said that I knew I had to smack some sense into him. He was too kind and thoughtful for his own good. He always took shit from people and never did anything to stop it. Niall let people play him, but I wouldn't let it happen, even if it meant doing something that would make him pissed off at me.

  "Why can't you see that she doesn't love you? She's using you Niall, and you're letting it happen. She makes you buy her so much shit, and you just do it. You're too nice for your own good Niall. I love that about you but you can't let her do this to you!" I spoke the words that I haven't wanted to burst out to Niall for ages. I didn't have the heart to before because he seemed so happy, but Amy is a bitch and there is no denying it. I won't let her play with him anymore, I'm done with it. Hopefully Niall realises what her true intentions are too.

 Looking at Niall, I saw him with tears in his eyes. I ran to him and pulled him in a tight hug mumbling that I’m sorry. I was sorry but that doesn't mean I regret what I said. He had to hear it, and no one was willing to say it. So I did what I had to do. Suddenly he pulled away, and looked me in the eyes before saying something that I didn't expect.

 "You're a dick". I was confused. He was hugging me, he let me comfort him but he still called me a dick. Before I could reply to that he continued talking.

 "But I know that Amy is a bitch, but I feel so alone. I've been alone for so long, and I always screw things up. I have to tell you something, but promise me you won't freak out or leave me. Promise me you won't judge me, and we'll remain best friends."

  "I promise."

  "I'm gay."

  "I am too Niall, why would you think that would affect our friendship? That is a silly thing-"

  "I'm not done Zayn."

  "As I was saying, I'm gay and I've been dating Amy to try to bury my true feelings; my feelings for you. I love you, I always have. Why do you think I've always been so protective of you? I've never liked Harry, and that was because I love you. You love him even though you two are horrible together, no offense. You guys fight and he doesn't treat you right. I could treat you right. I could care for you more than he cares for you. I can show you what real love is. I love you Zayn Malik, say that you love me too please."

  "I love you too Niall-"

  "You know, I didn't expect you to something like this Zayn. I actually came here to take you on a date, but seems like you're on one already. I'm quite stupid actually to believe that you would have been loyal, but that's okay because I haven't either. I'm actually straight, believe it or not. This was for my amusement. Don't you think I would treat the one I love better than this? At least now I can reschedule my other date. Well, have fun on your date and I'll have fun on mine."

I knew that voice anywhere. It was none other than Harry Styles.


A/N: I combined Chapter 6 with Chapter 5 because both of them were really short, and idk.

P.S. The next update may be tomorrow or the day after that depending on how much homework I have (:

Have a good day or good sleep xx

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