Chapter 3

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 When I awoke the next morning, after falling asleep on Niall's lap during the movie marathon, I sat up and walked towards the kitchen where I saw the one and only; Harry Styles. I was enraged that he showed his face at my best mates place. By the looks of it, he was still very mad. To be honest, I am still upset but I am willing to forgive him and hopefully he will do that same to me. Just by looking at his face I could tell that he had different intentions.

 I soon wondered why he bothered to show up, even after I said all those horrible things. I get why he would be annoyed at me because I seemed to always say the wrong things. Last night, for example. It wasn't like it was intentional; I was caught up in the moment and said the first thing that came to mind. Kind of like what I just did now.

 "Why are you here?" It was given that one of us would have to 'break the ice'. I could feel the tension in the room, but I chose to ignore it. I waited for his answer, and let me tell you, I waited for a long time. I thought he hadn't heard me, but I didn't repeat myself in fear of seeming like an idiot.

 "Why not?" He always had to make a smart ass comment, didn't he? God, he can be so irritating. At the same time he can be so thoughtful and caring. All we do is go in some crazy circle, and I want it to stop. I can't leave him because I need him, but I can set everything straight.

 "I'm sorry for what I said. Especially about your mom, I didn't mean it. She left it because she couldn't handle the responsibility of being a mother; it's not your fault. I'm sorry for ignoring you too; it was just because I wanted you to know how I felt-"

 "Good morning". Before I could finish my apology, Niall woke up and walked into the kitchen. I let out a shaky breath and mumbled good morning back to him. After realising he was interrupting us, he simply walked away claiming he was going to take a shower. We both knew that wasn't true. He would be waiting for me to explain, and I needed to do that, but I'm scared of his reaction. He was never liked Harry for some reason. He claims Harry is too much of a jerk for me, and he will brainwash me. As if. Forgetting about Niall, I began to think about the love of my life yet again.

 I didn't want to see Harry's face, I was scared. I took a deep breath and I faced him, only to see the back of his head. Before I could even say anything, he got up and walked out of the house.


A/N: It's short, I know. That's only because I feel like no one is reading this. Longer updates will come if I get more reads (: Have a good night x

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