Chapter 15

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He didn't answer immediately and I figured out what that meant. I started laughing at him; I mean I didn't expect him to do that. Actually, I did. He's Harry. He glared at me and started to walk away.

"Hey, come back! I'm sorry Harry!" I yelled out to him before he could leave completely.

"I knew you couldn't live without me." He smirked, and I frowned. The truth was I couldn't, and that bothered me. He was my oxygen. These past weeks have been hell for me; I don't even know why Niall locked me up. If he hadn't me and Harry would have been back to normal a long time ago, and being with him makes me happy. Well, most of the time. Scratch that, half the time. Things felt like they were going to change and I was holding onto that. It might go back to normal, in which case I have no clue what I'll do, and it might change which is what I'm hoping for. I haven't even asked Harry to explain other things; I haven't even asked him if he ever cheated on me. I was putting it off because Harry and I were having so much fun with each other. Why ruin it? I can bring it up later, it's not like he's going to disappear.

"Zayn? You spaced out again." Boy, I have to stop doing that.

"Oh, sorry,"

"By the way, where were you walking? I could drop you off if you want?" I frowned, but covered it up with a fake smile before Harry could see it. I was hoping to spend the rest of the day with him, but I guess he has better things to do.

"Oh, I was headed to Liam's. I think I might just not go, I guess I'll just wander around for awhile." I tried to make my voice sound normal and not disappointed.

"How about I wander around with you? I mean, if that's okay. Is it?" I nodded frantically and smiled so big that my cheeks started to hurt. He laughed at me. Suddenly, my stomach growled. I quickly covered my stomach with my hands. I blushed, and looked up only to see Harry holding back a smile.

"Want to grab some food for the tummy of yours?"

"No, but I would like some food for my stomach." I chuckled and Harry did too. We got into his car and drove off.

During the whole car drive, we talked about everything. I still hadn't asked him for any other explanations; I decided that I would ask him if we could go to my favourite place and talk. We pulled up at McDonald's before getting out of the car.

"McDonald's Harry? Seriously?" I liked it; we were never the couple who liked going all out. We went to a fancy place once in a while, but we loved our fast food.

"I thought you would like it, who am I kidding? I knew you would love it. Don't try hiding that smile." Harry smiled and began to walk towards the fast food restaurant. I closely followed.

Before I knew it, we were back in Harry's car.

"Where do you want to go, babe?" I looked down and blushed. Are we still together? I continued playing with my fingers. I felt Harry's hands pulling my face upwards so I was looking at him.

"Never look down babe, you're beautiful."

"Inside-" He pointed towards my stomach.

"And out." He pointed towards my whole body.

He leaned in for a kiss, as did I. Our lips met and I felt the fireworks. I forgot how amazing Harry's lips felt. I held his face tenderly, and he did the same to me. I acted as if this was our last kiss. It was full of passion and love, there was no lust. Suddenly, I pulled away. He looked at me in confusion.

"We still have to talk Harry.”


A/N: I have no idea if I will update tomorrow, because 1D Day (: I'm excited! Anyways have a good night x

 I forgot to thank you guys for 200 reads. I hit it the day after I hit 100 reads (: Yay

20 reads for the next chapter(:

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