Chapter 7

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Niall didn't buy my fib, and I didn't expect him to. I mean I just told him I loved Harry less than a day ago. I'm horrible at lying, especially to Niall since he knows what I do when I'm lying. He then asked me what was really wrong and to that I spilled all of my problems onto Niall, and he simply soothed me. I felt bad because I was talking about the one I love, to a boy who loves me, but he insisted.

He offered something that seemed unnecessary, but it was an excellent idea. It was the perfect way to get revenge. For both me and Niall. I needed to show Harry that I am perfectly fine without him, and Niall needs to show Amy that he doesn't like her.

The plan was to pretend we are dating, and fool Harry and Amy. Hopefully, it'll piss both of them off enough to make them sorry. They messed with the wrong people, and we weren't going to take it. We would show them. Niall said that he'll do everything he can to try to make Harry jealous, and I promised him the same thing for Amy. The next step was putting the plan in action.

We both agreed to wait two days before starting the plan to make it seem more realistic. We would ease into it. I agreed to stay at Niall's for a while, instead of with Harry. Luckily, I always kept extra things here, because we never actually planned our sleepovers- they just happened. It was late at night so we decided to pull an all-nighter and both of us were wide awake.

I still haven't gotten myself a job, but I'm going to work on that right now. Opening my laptop, I searched up for nearby opened positions. I only found two; a cashier at Primark and an online writer. I opted for the second option, but to apply I had to submit a document that I wrote on anything. It had to be about 1-2 pages long. I told Niall about the job, and he told me to go for it. I'm not exactly sure why I told him but I did. I didn't know what to write it about, so I looked online for interesting recent news/studies. I decided to do it on a homeless man.

It wasn't any homeless man though, he was said to be generous and kind. He gave up everything to provide for others. He stayed two blocks away, so I decided to pay him a visit tomorrow. Giving up on the report, since I needed to wait until tomorrow, Niall and I spent the night talking, watching T.V., playing video games, etc. In what seemed like minutes, but was actually hours, we both fell asleep on the couch.

I was awoken to the loud banging taking place on Niall's door. Rolling over and groaning, I checked the time on my phone. It was 7 in the morning. The knocking didn’t stop, and it was starting to drive me crazy.

"God, I'm coming!" I shout while getting off the couch. I open the door to find a drunk Harry with Amy hanging off his waist. Before I could slam the door in his face he put his foot halfway to stop me. He manages to slur three words in his drunken state. Those three words happen to be the words that broke me even more.

"Amy is pregnant."


A/N: I know, really short... but it's a double update yayyayy (: I feel like this fic has a lot of drama. I didn’t edit... opps.

Goodnight (:

Hopefully there will be an update tomorrow xx

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