Chapter 6

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I glanced at Niall and glanced to the other side where Harry is walking away with tears in my eyes. Instead of running to one of them, I ran out of the park and to my favourite spot. I didn't know what to think. I was going to tell Niall I love him as a friend, but Harry interrupted me before I could finish my sentence. I was unsure if Harry was telling the truth. Harry always lies about things when he is hurt because he likes to hurt me more than I hurt him. It's quite frustrating because I never know if he is telling the truth until the damage has already been done.

I was sick of it. I really wanted to leave this town behind, and never look back. All that's here is the memories of my dead family, the memories of people betraying and bullying me, and it’s the place where the love of my life repeatedly stomps on my heart without thinking twice. Maybe that's what hurts the most, knowing that Harry likes to hurt me. I don't know whether I should believe Harry or not, but I guess I'll explain to him what really happened, but what did happen?

I can't seem to grasp the fact that Niall has feelings for me. Is it just a joke? Is it a prank? Or is it real? Questions fill up my head, none of which I have the answers to. I decide to confront him about it, maybe he'll explain everything. He already did, but I wasn't listening. Well, I was but I wasn't really. All I remember from his confession was the confession itself. I zoned out once he told me he was gay for me. I was confused and scared. I am confused most of the time, but this time I didn't have a clue as to what was going on. I liked knowing what was happening and right now I had no idea what was happening. For all I know, Niall may actually love me and Harry might actually be straight.

Harry being straight would clear up so many things for me. It would explain why he hasn't showed any affection to me in public, and even in private. The farthest we've gone was making out and I practically had to move his lips with my lips. I wondered if Harry was actually on a date with somebody, were all the stories I heard of him being a player true? Did he really 'shag' girls behind my back? People have always told me that he cheated on me with a girl named Amy, but I didn't believe it. Could it be the same Amy that was Niall's girlfriend? Or was it just another rumor? The person being named Amy caused even more confusion for me. I honestly didn't know what to think.

Amy was a bitch; I knew that, Niall knew that, everyone knew that. She was the fakest person I have ever met. She wore tons of makeup, and she didn't wear it properly. I don't have a problem with makeup, if it makes someone feel more comfortable go ahead, but when it's hiding their face it bugs me. Not like I would care though, since you know I don't swing that way, but nonetheless nobody should wear that much makeup.

I headed home since it was once again dark. Honestly, I spend a lot of time away from the house. I feel like the only thing I do in the house is sleep and eat. I saw Harry's car in the driveway which either meant he had no date, or that he brought his date home. I was hoping for the first option; that way I knew that Harry was lying. When I walked into the house, I saw Harry talking to Amy; Amy as in Niall's girlfriend. I looked at Harry with tears in my eyes and waited for him to notice my presence. He was too caught up with Amy to realise that I was there. I ran outside, slammed the door loud enough for Harry to hear, and rushed to Niall's house.

When he opened the door, I said five words that would ruin everything. He stood waiting for me to say something, and that's exactly what I did.

"I love you too, Niall."


A/N: Short updateish, I guess. I'M AMOST AT 100 READS WOOO!!! Anyways have a good day(: xx

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