Chapter 9

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"I don't want to be here, why can't I leave? Can we go clubbing?" I muttered with a slight attitude. Niall had decided that he is basically going to keep me trapped in his house and not let me out of his sight; all because of what happened the other night. He's taking things too far, I can handle myself. I just need a drink or two; I need to leave this flat. He says he's preventing me from seeing Harry and the best way to do that is to keep me trapped. He claims it's best for me, as if. He probably just wants me to get over Harry and fall for him. Yeah, no. I'm in love with Harry despite everything. I'm still pissed off and hurt but I didn't stop loving him. That also doesn't mean I forgave him, I mean he hasn't even apologized.

The other day he came over here but Niall wouldn't open the door. He's tried calling but Niall took my phone. Like I said, I'm trapped with no communication to the world outside this suffocating flat that I once loved.

"Niall, why can't I go to the club?" I drag out the l in his name while saying his name.

"Don't act stupid Zayn; you know why, I'm not letting you out of my sight." You would think that when he said that he meant he wasn't letting me leave but no he literally did not take his eyes off of me. It was creepy in a way; imagine having a pair of eyes following your every move, kind of uncomfortable to say the least.

"Niall, I'm taking a shower; which means you need to give me some privacy."

"I said I wasn't letting you out of my sight, so come on let's go shower."

I looked at him with disbelief in my eyes. I pointed to the door and wore a pissed off expression. The least he could do it wait outside. I convinced him to do that but believe me when I say it wasn't easy.

I climbed in the shower and starting washing myself. Not long after I hear the voice of Niall.

"Are you almost done? I'm hungry." I groan.

"Why can't you just stand up and make yourself a snack, you know I take long showers. Calm down, I'm not going anywhere."

"Well you know I said that I wouldn't take my eyes off of you and I've already broken that promise so I guess I could leave for a minute or two."

"Ou, look who learned how to fix himself a snack without me. Impressive, Niall."

"Ha ha very funny. You better sleep with one eye open tonight because I am coming for you." At that I burst out laughing, I have no idea why. I heard Niall's footsteps getting fainter and fainter and I took that as my queue to sneak out. I had already gotten dressed and ready while Niall and I were talking through the closed door.

I turned on the hairdryer and tip-toed out of the bathroom; or at least I tried. Once I opened the door I saw Niall standing there with his arms crossed.

"Actually thought I would be stupid enough to fall for that?" I groaned and replied.

"I was kind of hoping..."

"Where do you even want to go little one?"

"Clubbing. Come on, you love clubbing what's stopping you?" I dance stupidly which makes him fall over sideways laughing. I have to admit, that was a stupid dance, stupider than my usual dances.

"YOU CAN'T DANCE OH MY GOD. NEVER DO THAT AGAIN." He was still laughing after five minutes, causing me to laugh too. I mean who can't laugh when somebody as bright as Niall is laughing?

When he regained his act of being mature he answered the question I asked. "You. I promised myself that I wouldn't let you outside until you were completely okay."

"I am okay... so let's go clubbing!"

"Nah, how about we just chat and catch up like old times when we were normal?" At that I laughed because we were never normal.

I couldn't help but smirk playfully. "Ha, when were you every normal?" I tease and he chuckles.

"Shut it, not like you were normal either."

"Touché Niall, touché."

I roll my eyes while chuckling. I stick my tongue out at him and run away. We head to the living room, which has kind of become my living room too and jumped onto the couch.

The rest of the afternoon passes by fairly quickly and before I know it was time for bed. I was constantly under Niall's supervision, but he had cut me some slack, as in I was able to go to the kitchen and bathroom with myself.

We both head to bed and just like the previous nights, we sleep together. I made sure that he knew that I didn't like him on the first day, and he said he understood. He still wanted me to sleep with him for some reason.

"Goodnight Zayn."

"Night Niall."

Niall falls asleep, and soon after I do too, but not before I hear the vibration of my phone for the eleventh time tonight.


A/N: I wasn't going to update today but I had nothing better to do... so voila. Thanks for 100 reads, I'm almost at 200 already :D That might not seem like a lot to some people, but this is my first fic so yay (: goodnight x

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