Chapter 2

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 The one thing that I didn't know was that I would be the first to snap. The multiple days for ignoring and pretending the other didn't exist caught up with me. I always assumed that Harry would be the first to snap, only because he usually is the first. I don't know why it was me this time, but I knew one thing for sure. I didn't like how it felt. Not one bit.

 As he walked by, I tried to contain my anger. Long story short, I couldn't.

 "What the hell are you trying to accomplish? Proving to me you're a dick? Believe me I already knew that!" I finally burst. I spent days containing my anger but I couldn't contain it for any longer.

 "I was just doing exactly what you were doing! Ignoring me no god damn reason! Do you even know how much of a hypocrite you are? You complain about how I ignore you, yet here you are ignoring me for days, and for no damn reason! Have you realized maybe I ignore you because I don't like you? That you annoy me? Well of course not, because you assume that I love you just because I'm still with you. Well believe me when I say that's not the case!"

 I tried hard to keep the tears until he was out of site, but who wouldn't cry if the love of your life said that. He said he didn't love me, after everything I have up, he still played me.

 "You know what? I don't give a fuck if you don't love me, because I stopped loving you months ago! I stayed because I felt sorry for you. You will spend your life alone because you push people away. YOU PUSHED YOUR MOTHER AWAY. YOUR OWN MOTHER LEFT BECAUSE SHE WAS TIRED OF YOU. MAYBE I'M TIRED OF YOU TOO. MAYBE I'LL LEAVE JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER DID."

 With that I walked out of the house. As I was walking carelessly I rethought the whole argument.

Maybe I took it a notch too far. I shouldn't have mentioned his mother, but I'm sick of this. He expects me to love him, to care for him even after he does this continuously. These fights happen so often that I sometimes forget what peace is. Something told me it was different this time. I don't know what, why or how but I know it was different this time; the look in his eyes, his heavy breathing, and hands that were made into fist and his words.

 Was this truly it? Were we over? Suddenly, I found myself regretting everything. I should have remained quiet and appreciated him. Now I have nothing but Niall. Speaking of my best friend, I should probably sleep in his flat.

 I sobbed think about the possibility that I lost him. Soon enough, I had walked to Niall's house. Knocking on the door, I waited for Niall. As soon as he opened the door and saw me he embraced me with a tight hug. He always knew when something was wrong, and he always knew whose fault it was.

 I guess this time you could put the blame on both of us. I continued to cry on his shoulder while he led me inside and into the living room. He understood me better than anyone, so instead of asking me what's wrong he simply tried to comfort me. He gave me food, tuned on the T.V. and we began a movie marathon.


A/N Sorry this is so short; I wrote this with my free time in class. Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I wrote this on my phone. Blah, and sorry for all the changes I keep making to the chapters, its only because I keep forgetting to edit. I say sorry a lot, haha (: Have a good day x

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