Chapter 1

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We used to be best friends, now we are dating. Cliché right? We always said that no matter what we promised to never fall in love. We both broke that promise. One year later and we are still here. Together. Maybe not as perfect as we were before, and maybe not as 'cute' together, but nonetheless we were together. And in the end, that's all that truly mattered.

I used to be able to know what Harry was saying, before he even said it. I used to know him, as chiché as it sounds, better than myself. Then, something changed. He closed himself off. He put up walls that nobody could get through. He never broke up with me, and he never left me but it felt like he did, and it still does.

Harry used to be so open with me. He used to be a flirty, dorky, strange, polite boy. Now? I don't even know him. The sentence itself explains a lot, but theres much more to be explained.

"ZAYN! WHERE DID YOU PUT MY BLACK JEANS?" When the hell did he get home? And just like usual, he didn't even bother to say hi. Sometimes I feel like I'm his little helper, always helping him even when I don't want to. I can't help myself, he saved me. That sounds like a lie, but he did. Before I could even think about the story I hear him yell again.

"ZAYN" I decide to ignore him, just to test his patience. Probably not a good idea, but who the hell cares. Not like I've got anything to loose. I have nothing but him and my best mate Niall. The second he dumps me, I'll be homeless. I should probably get a job, but with my lack of education, who would want me? Instead of weeping about myself and how I am a disappointment, I decide to actually, for once, look for a job. I need something else to do other than wait around for Harry to get home and watch reruns of Suits.

"Did you not hear me calling you? Or are you just deaf?" Ah, there he is. The popular Harry. Usually I'm the one trying to get his attention, but it's time to show him how it feels. And the first step to that, is ignoring him.

How do I plan to do that? Well, to be completely and utterly honest, I have no clue. But, I will not give up on this, no matter how angry he gets. He deserves this. He needs to know how it feels to be ignored, and unwanted.

Don't get me wrong, I still love him more than anything and I will always love him, but he needs to be taught a lesson, and who better teach it then me? The one he is so madly in love with, at least I think. I've been having my doubts lately, but then he does something that makes me confident he loves me like I love him, maybe even more. But then again, one can never be 100% sure in something like love.

"Hellllooooo?" I can hear a slight attitude in his voice, reassuring me that the plan is working. He has anger problems. Part of that problem is that he won't accept it, once he accepts it he can conquer it. Instead, when somebody tries to bring it up, he merely walks away pretending to not hear the hollers and screams directed towards him.

"Fine, be that way. Be the hypocrite you are." The comment pissed me off more than it should have. I have no clue why, but it set something off in me. I wanted to scream at him

for calling me a hypocrite when he was much worse. He promised he would never be the cause of my tears, yet almost everyday I find myself crying over him. I often question why I stay and put up with him. The answer everyone expects is that I love him, but that is not the truth. That's what I use to cover up the truth. The truth is that he is my necessity. I need him.

I feel lost without him. I feel like I can do anything when I'm with him, but the second he leaves, I feel alone and vulnerable. People call it unhealthy, and I'm not going to lie and says it isn't because I know for a fact that it is. It's not like I can do anything about it though. I didn't have a choice, my heart ached for him. And what an unpleasant feeling that way. I felt like shit without him. But then again, I often felt like shit around him too.

Soon enought I heard a loud bang coming from the bedroom, which could only mean one thing. Harry was beyond pissed and willing to destroy everything in his way. When he gets pissed off he doesn't bother hiding it. I'm not completly sure weather that is a good or bad thing to be honest. After hearing the bang from the bedroom, I knew what would soon follow.

Screaming. Yelling. Arguing. Fighting. Truth be told, I was tired of it. We fought almost everyday, over the tiniest things. For example, this would turn into a huge fight soon. I just didn't know how soon that would be and exactly how big it will be.

The only thing left to do is wait for one of us to snap.


A/N short chapter, I know. I'm just going to write whenever I can and try updating often. So because of that, my update might only be 1 page or 2, but yeah. Enjoy the story (:

I decided to combine chapter 1 and 2 to make it longer(:



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