Chapter 10

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I woke up before Niall and decided to look for my phone since yesterday I couldn't find it because the vibrating stopped. I had been frustrated at that time, because well, it's obvious. I needed to see Harry. I was going crazy, but I knew I had no chance with Niall watching over me. I mean he was holding me even in his sleep. Kind of odd, right? It's like he was born to protect me and it was his first instinct.

I tried to get out of bed but Niall's grip was too tight, instead I woke him up by shaking him and yelling into his ear.    


He immediately sat up and then noticed what just happened and groaned. He then sent me an annoyed look before asking me a question in a groggy morning voice.

"Why did you wake me up Zayn?"

"Well, because I got bored waiting for you to wake up and if you haven't noticed YOU WON'T LET ME GO." I said while gesturing my hands towards his arm.

"Oppsies, but still not letting you out of my sight."

I groaned in response, not feeling awake enough to argue with him. Instead, I got up and headed towards the bathroom where I cleaned up not giving Niall a chance to protest. While heading downstairs, I smelt bacon which got me excited. I ran down the stairs and to the kitchen where I saw Niall cooking bacon. He smiled at me, and I returned a smile.

"They look tasty, thank you." I said to him before grabbing a dish and taking the bacon.

"Well thank you, but they're not for you... they're for me." He had a smirk on his face while saying this, which made me know he was joking. Instead of arguing, I simply took a piece of bacon and stuffed it into my mouth. I ate it as fast as I could.

He then laughed at how silly I looked before taking the plate of bacon and placing it out of my reach. He thought that would prevent me from taking the bacon, but he was stupid to think that. I tried to distract him by mentioning that he was missing a Derby game. He looked at the T.V. before looking at me again.

"Clever Malik, clever indeed, but I know Derby in and out. Just ask anybody I know!"

It was true; Niall could talk about Derby day and night. I never knew what he was talking about but I still nodded and pretended to understand.

"I am clever I will admit because mentioning Derby still distracted you enough to look at the T.V."

"What game are you playing? You didn't get the bacon..., so why else would you need to distract me?"

I chuckled evilly before running to the door. Niall caught up quickly, but my plan wasn't to escape; it was to make him think I was going to. Once I got to the door, I ran back to the kitchen and grabbed the plate of bacon and placed it behind my back; but not before stuffing another piece of bacon in my mouth.

Niall noticed what I had done and scolded himself for falling for the trick. He still hadn't eaten any bacon, so he tried reaching behind me. When he finally gave up on trying to reach behind me to get it, he started to tickle me. Niall knew I was ticklish; he always used it to his advantage. He ended up getting the bacon and eating it in the washroom, only because I gave up. I sat on the couch and watched T.V.

Niall and I spent the day together as usual. During the day, I had finally convinced Niall to go clubbing; but he said that we had to be together at all times. I guess that will get annoying but it's better than nothing.

I got dressed and told Niall to hurry up.

"Why should I? You can't leave without me, I have the keys!"

"Because I'm all by myself right in front of the door! Who knows what I might do!" I smirked to myself; I mean that was pretty clever. In response I got a grunt and the sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs.

"I hate you."

I chuckled.

"The feeling is mutual."

I smirked at Niall before leaving the flat for the first time in a long while.


A/N: Filler chapter... I feel like there is too much drama already. I wish I spaced it all out, but oh well I guess I will learn from my mistakes. Short update bc homework, shopping and TVD is on tonight :D Goodnight <3

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