Chapter 31

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(Charlotte's outfit)

The morning after

Val's POV

I woke up to the smell of food. I get up, jump from my bed, literally jumped down from where my bed is, and ran to the kitchen. I almost fell down the stairs, but it was so worth it.

"Good morning." I hear Michael say while he was cooking up some sweet sausage, eggs and bacon, which I will not be eating because I hate bacon.

"Is that food?" I say sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Well yeah." He says with a laugh.

"What time is it?" I ask him. He looks over to the stove.

"7:25." He states. I look over at the stove just to check. And he was correct.

"Well fuck. As soon as I get food, I'm going back to bed." I say, and put my head down on the counter.

"Do you hear that Charlotte has to see the council today." Michael asks me. I get up in shock.

"I thought she had a few days." I say looking at him like I seen a ghost.

"Yeah. Finn called Ashton this moring and told him to bring Charlotte in today at 3 sharp." He says, putting some eggs and sausage on a plate and handing it to me with a fork.

"What time this moring?" I ask him, shoving a fork full of egg into my mouth.

"Like 5 this morning. Ashton want to happy about that." He says grabbing a plate for himself and sate down next to me.

"Is he gonna tell Charlotte when she wakes up?" I ask him.

"Well he's gonna have to." He responds. I cut a piece of sausage and put it into my mouth. I chew slowly, my anxiety starting to show. I was so scared on what they were gonna do to her.

"Don't worry Val. The Council won't do anything bad to her. Just ask her a few questions like, 'have you figured out your power and if so can you show us please.' and, 'what colour are your eyes?' Nothing to major." He says to me.

"Why do they want to know the colour of your eyes?" I ask him.

"They say there's a prophecy of someone with white eyes is the most powerful and over throw the Council. They don't want that and they will kill anyone with white eyes." Michael tells me. I've never met anyone with white eyes yet.

"What can a white eyed vampire do?" I ask him, growing an interest in the subject.

"I'm not sure. We will find out when they appear."

"Hey guys. Whacha talking about?" I hear Calum's voice enter the kitchen.

"The White Eyed Vampire." I say.

"Oh. Hat sounds interesting. What did you make Mikey?" Calum asked 

"Eggs, sausage and bacon." He states, putting a piece of back in his mouth. I cringe.

"I think I'm just gonna have eggs and sausage." Calum says getting a plate and sitting next to me. He kisses my cheek and a blush. How does he do this to me. I see him smile as he felt my emotions.

"I smell food." I hear Charlotte call from upstairs. She races down and vamp speeds around collecting a plate for herself. In literally 10 seconds she was sitting next to Michael eating.

"You're getting faster." We all turn to see Ashton standing in the door frame.

"Really?" She asks. He nods.

"Char, I have something to tell you." Ashton says walking towards her. He was only wearing sweat pants so Charlotte was turning red from blushing.

"What's up?" She asks.

"The council. Finn called me this morning, and I mean like 5 am. He said they want to see you today at 3 sharp." Ashton says and Charlotte dropped her fork onto the floor.

"What time is it?" Charlotte asked.

"9:00." I say.

"I have to go get ready." She says and runs vamp speed up the stairs to my room.

"I'll go help her." I say, getting off the bar stool. I run as fast as I can upstairs and my bedroom door was locked. I tried the bathroom door from the hallway. It was locked too.


Charlotte's POV

I locked the door as soon as I got to Val's room. I went to her closet and get rummaging threw her clothes. I see a pair for black, high waisted skinny jeans. I grab them and look for a shirt. I find a black long sleeve shirt with 2 white bands around the arms. I grab the as well. I see a black pair of Dr.Martins and a red flannel shirt. I gotta add some colour into my outfit.

I go to her makeup table and do my makeup with simple eyeliner and mascara and foundation. I brush my hair and straighten my hair.

I look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look presentable.

"Charlotte! Open my door right now!" I hear Val yell from the other side of the door. I run over to the door and unlock it.

There was a very angry Val on the other side of the door. 

"Sorry." I say she she softens.

"It's fine. It Ro still sleeping?"

"Oh shit. I totally forgot she was in here."

We look up to the bed and to our surprise, she was still sleeping.

"I guess sleeping in a nice warm bed for the first time in 60 years will do that to a person." Val says. We both laugh.

"Are you ready to see the Council?" Val asked. To be honest, I'm terrified.

"No. I'm terrified... I don't know what it's gonna be like." I say to Val. She gives me a warm smile and hugs me.

"You'll be okay." She says. I smile at her.

"What did I miss?" We both hear Ro say. We all laugh and Ro gets down.

"Let's go get you some breakfast." We all walk out of Val's room and to the kitchen.

Hey guys!!

So can I just say how proud I am of us!! This book as surpassed 5k reads guys!! That's a fuck tone!! You have no idea how proud I am of you guys and of this book. Thank you.

The next chapter will be Charlotte going to the Council and ypu will see what happenes there.

But in the mean time... follow me on...

Twitter - @AbbySchonnop
Instagram - @5sos_chick_512
Spotify - @5sosmde12
YouTube - @CatherineSchonnop

And follow Project Hi Or Hey on Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler, and Wattpad - projecthiorhey

And follow my band on...

Instagram - justaminuteofficialband
YouTube - Just A Minute

Love you guys!!

Abby xox

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