Chapter 2

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Val's POV

I woke up the next day around 1:30 pm. Wow I slept half the day away. I get up and go get some lunch, well breakfast technically. I slipped on one of my comfy sweaters since it was a little cold in the house due to the air conditioning. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and see that there was a note on the table from my dad.


Your mother and I are gonna be away for a few days for my business trip. Your brother is still not home from Marks so don't wait up. I left you some money on the counter for meals and whatever you want. Be safe and I'll call you whenever we get there.

Love dad

That's right, my dad had his business trip this weekend. I completely forgot. Well, I guess I'm going out for lunch today. I look to see how much my dad left me. $250!! Wow, he must think I'm gonna spend everything. I probably will but whatever. I grab $30 from the $250 and start walking to Subway. When I get there I order my regular sub, drink and cookies and start walking home. I was walking home and someone bumped into me.

"Sorry." The person said as the continued past me. He sounded like he wasn't from here. I kept walking home and another guy walked straight into me. He just kept walking. How rude. I would've at least said sorry. Oh well. Not much I can do about it. I finally made it home and went into the living room and turn on the TV to eat my lunch and the news was on.

Local girl found drained of all her blood with puncture wounds in her neck.

Shit. Some people are really fucked up. Talk about vampire loved to kill someone like that. I continue eating my sub and watching the news. The picture that came up of who the victim was almost made me spit my food all over the place.

18 year old girl, Charlotte Jenson, was found in an alley way by her home, drained of all her blood. She has two puncture wounds on the side of her neck, and slit wrists. If you have any information on who the murderer might be, call the number on the screen as soon as possible.

Oh my god... my best friend... was dead... I was supposed to hang out with her today... I start feeling like I was gonna cry. I put my sub down on the table and put my face in my hands and just start crying. There was no stopping the flood of tears that streamed down my face. No one was here to comfort me or make sure I was going to be safe. I was all alone... Not even my brother was home, not that he would really care much. My only comfort was now dead and there was nothing I could do about...

Ring ring. Ring ring.

I hear my phone go off. It was a private number. I answer.

"Hello?" I say as I wipe my tears away. "You're next." Was all that was said before the line went dead. Oh my god... I call the number that was on the TV screen. "Hello, how may I help you?" A woman said. "Hi. Um, this may sound weird, but Um... I think the killer just called me.." I say nervously into the phone. "Okay, was there a number?" She asked. I could hearing clicking noises indicating that she was typing the information on a computer.

"No. It said private. The person sounded male, and maybe a British or Australian accent I couldn't make it out clearly." I say in a panicked tone as I try to remember what happened only a few moments ago. "Okay. Can I get your name please?" The woman asked. "Val Henderson." I say into the phone, trying to keep my voice as calm as I could.

"Okay Val. You're gonna be okay. Is anyone at your house with your right now?" She asked me."No I'm home alone. My brother is at his friends place and my parents are out of town on business." I said as I turned off the TV, not wanting to hear about how my friend was dead and where it happened. I couldn't take anymore of it. "Okay. Do you have anyone you can stay with?"

"No. My best friend was the victim of the vampire killer... and I don't have any family around here." I say and almost start crying again. "Okay Val, I want you to go lock all the doors and windows. Do you have a security system?" "Yes I do. And it's already on." I say as I get up to lock all the doors and windows in my house, not wanting to take any chances. "Okay good girl. Do you have any plans going on this week?" The operator asked, still clicking away at her computer. "Yes. I have a concert that I'm going to in 2 days now. It's here in town and I'm not going with anybody." I say, sitting back down after locking everything, grabbing a pillow to hug as I try to bring some comfort to myself.

"Well, I'm afraid you're going to have to miss it, just to keep you safe." She said through the phone. Hell no!! There is NO way that I'm missing this concert. Killer or not, I'm going. I have waited too long to miss this and it is really the only thing keeping me going at the moment and the only thing that is keeping me somewhat calm.

"Okay. I'll be fine." I say, lying through my teeth. "Okay. Stay safe Val. Goodbye." The line went dead.

Well, now I have a killer on my tail, my best friend has been murdered in cold blood, and I still have to prepare for the concert that is in 2 days time. Today is just the best day of my life. NOT!!

I go up to my room, leaving the pillow on the couch and go hop in my bed. I put on old 5 Seconds of Summer videos to try and distract my mind and help me calm down when I see that it is 4:37pm. I think I can go to sleep now. Maybe... I need to sleep and pretend that this awful day never happened. I climb into bed and curl up in a ball with a teddy bear that Charlotte made for me at Build-A-Bear when we were 14 and go into a dreamless yes restless sleep.

Hey guys!!

Second chapter done!! And no, poor Charlotte. And Val is the next target?? This is getting good lol

So in the mean time... follow me on...
Instagram – abby.cos.signs
TikTok – abby.cos.signs

Love you guys!!

Abby xox

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