Q&A 1

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Hey guys!! So we passed 2k reads!!! We are now at 2.02k read on Fangs and I could never be more proud of us. We are a family. Author to readers I thank you for reading my book it really does mean a lot. As a friend to friend, thanks for enjoying what I do and write about.

So here is the Character/Auther Q&A. Hope you enjoy and I answer the questions as best as I can.




From starskye441

Auther: ok first what happened to Jerry?

I, uh, kinda forgot about him... but he might come back!

Val: You know Calum's mine, he's just using you right?

Actually, he's my boyfriend. Sorry. But the other boys are free. Just don't go for Luke, he's the ultimate ass.

Ashton: I hate you so much, why would you do that?

I actually regret it a lot... I wish I could take it back... I just hope Val will forgive me.

Calum: Oh so you're cheating on me with some girl are you? You know you better explain now!

Well I do love my fans but I really have strong feelings for Val. I'm sorry sweetheart. But I love you.

Luke: Can you suck a butthole?

Well that's rude! Why don't you eat my ass. I'll provide the spoon for you.

Michael: I love you! Do you love me? I'll give you pizza? Will you marry me?!

Oh course I love you! And I will most certainly take the pizza! Just don't give any to Val, we all know what happened when we take her pizza. And I don't think you would like to marry a 269 year old vampire.

Raphael: Can you kill Luke please? And suck a butthole.

If he pisses me off enough, than yes I will kill Luke. And fuck you.

Jerry: Where'd you go! Come back to us please! I miss you! Are you coming back?

I don't know. Abby am I coming back?

Maybe Jerry. I'll find a spot where you come back.


From @XxLightCityxX

Luke: How do you gonna get Val to like you?

I have my ways. *evil smrik*

Val: Can we have a party? Like with just humans?

Oh course we can! I need a break from these boys anyways!

Calum: When you're human again ( if that ever happens ) can we run around singing "Human Again" from Beauty and the Beast?

I was planning on doing that anyways.

Ashton: Mint Chocolate chip ice cream or rocky road? Or vanilla blood?

Are you seriously making me choose between ice creams? How cruel are you!

Mikey: I like pizza a lot. What's your favourite place and type of pizza? And have you ever hand a calzone?

I love pizza a lot too!! And I literally have no idea! Pizza is pizza. As long as it tastes good, I can't complain. And no I've never had a calzone.

From QueenLoloTheAwesome

Luke: Will you marry me? How do mates work?

Sure I'll marry you. Just let me become human again.

And with mates you have to have a past life with the person. Turns out me, Calum, Ashton, and Michael all had a past life with her.

Val: Are you stupid? After you know nt to wake Luke up and mess up your friendship you go and wake up Michael and ruin the friendship with him. What are you going for? And why did you react the way you did when someone stole your pizza?

Excuse me? I'm sorry, I didn't know how Michael was gonna react when he woke up. Not to mention I never knew he had a duo personality. And my friendship with Luke would've been jeopardized because he killed my best friend.

And pizza is life. You steal my pizza, I end your life. Well, I'll make you really sorry about it. And I know Luke paid for it, but it's still my pizza.

Calum: How do you feel about Val? Is Cake real? Is Cashton real? Is Malum real?

I feel like me and her have this connection like none of the other boys have. And I don't know. What do you believe?

Ashton: Marry meh?

Sure. Are you okay with marrying a vampire?

Mikey: Hi, so is Muke real?

Maybe. But Mashton is definitely real.

Ashton: Bryana?  Is Lashton real? Have you met any famous people from like 100 years ago? How do you become a vampire?

Who? And I think Lashton is real? Have you asked Luke? And yes, I met Bach. He was my music instructor slash teacher when o was young. Really nice man.

And I was actually born a vampire. My mother is a vampire and my dad was human. He died a long time ago. My brother and sister are born vampires to. It's very rare but we will get it that some other time.

I know that was a short Q&A but I hope that I answered your question!!

I will be having another Q&A in September so you can start leaving your questions now if you want.

So in the mean time... follow me on...

Twitter - AbbySchonnop
Instagram - 5sosgirl512, _im_punk_rock_mikey, shadowhunter_runes_lightwood, and makeup_beauty_proud
Spotify - 5sosmde12
Musical'ly - abbyschonnop1
YouTube - Catherine Schonnop

Love you guys!!

Abby xox

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