Chapter 4

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<Day of the concert>

Val's POV

I woke up to the sound of a lawn mower going outside and the busy traffic. I stir around before realizing what day it was. Today's the day of the concert!! I'm about to meet my favourite band in the whole world!! I look at my phone and see that it is 12:47pm. Shit, I have to start getting ready and go catch a train so I can be there a bit early and stand in line.

I hop out of bed and go to my dresser where I laid out my clothes last night. I put them all on (outfit above) and walk over to my makeup desk and start doing my hair and makeup. I put my hair in a side french braid and did my makeup with some simple eyeliner and a bit of a tan colour eyeshadow and a bold red lipstick. Once i finish my makeup, I give myself one last look in the mirror, grab my ticket and wallet, and walk out of my room and see if my brother is finally home. I looked in his room and I see him lying in his bed. 'Wow. I didn't think he would be here,' I thought to myself.

"You're finally home." I say, leaning against his door frame. "Yeah. I was with Mark. He had a party the last two nights." Derek said look up from his phone to meet my gaze. "Sounds fun. I'm heading to the concert now. I'll be back later. Dad left you some money downstairs" I say to my younger brother. "Yeah I grabbed it when I came in." Derek said going back to whatever it was he was doing on his phone. "Okay. See you later." I say and close his door.

I walk downstairs and grab the rest of my money from the counter and start walking outside. I walk down to the bus station and wait for the bus. I put in my headphones and start listening to my 5SOS playlist on my Spotify. After waiting about 10 minutes, the bus has finally arrives. I walk on, pay for my ticket and go find a seat, turning my music down a little so I can hear the different stops.

16 stops later, the bus arrives at the train station and I file off the bus with the rest of the passengers. I go to the platform, headphones still in my ears and have see that I have to wait another 2 minutes. When the train arrives, I get on and sit in an empty seat and turned to look out the window watching as we went over some of the highways and sometimes just at the dark tunnel walls.

45 minutes later, I get off the train and walk to the venue. It's now 4:00pm. 3 hours to go. I'm growing so excited yet nervous. I walk to Pizza Pizza and get something to eat. I end up getting some pepperoni pizza. I walk about to the line up and sit on the ground and wait. I finish eating and it's now 5:00. The gates are now open!! Oh my god is happening!! I go to a t-shirt stand and I go buy a shirt, and a bandana. I tie the bandana on my wrist and put the shirt in my bag.

I go to my front row seat and sit on my phone awaiting for the concert to start. This is going to be a fun night!!

Luke's POV

I look out the curtain using my invisibility power so no one could see me. I slyly move past the curtain and walk straight out to center stage. I see Val sitting in the front row playing on her phone. She looks so beautiful. I can smell her from here. She smells like lavender and vanilla. I love vanilla. I soak up the crowd as they all walked in and started to take their seats. There are so many people here. This is going to be a loud show and I'm so excited for it.

I walk back behind the curtain and become visible again. I see the boys getting pumped up for the show since it starts in 15 minutes. "Guys. Val is in the very front row." I say to them. They all look at me with happy smiles on their faces. It's gonna be easy to pick her to come up and play one of our instruments. "10 minutes boys." The stage manager says.

"Alright lads, let's go rock the roof off this place!" Ashton says and gets ready to do the intro to the show.

We hear the countdown and Ashton go to his drums. Michael, Calum and I are waiting by the curtain with our instruments ready to run out on stage when the counter hits '0'.











Let's do this.


Hey guys!!

The concert is about to start!! And we figured out what the boys have powers and we found out Lukes power. This is getting interesting!!

So in the mean time... follow me on...

Instagram – abby.cos.signs

TikTok- abby.cos.signs

Love you guys!!

Abby xox

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