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I couldn't believe it. All this time I was thinking Peridot wanted me dead when all along she was just nervous of failing? She didn't fail. I think it was more than obvious she made a magnificent job! But.. I really don't like to talk about these things with other people.. about such intimate things. I should keep it all to myself.

"I...I made it clear she didn't fail.." I lower my face with an embarrassing blush, but she raised it by cupping my chin.

"Things can be very different inside your head, and when they're not right they become a migraine. That's how you know." She winked.

"But why do I still think that I made her want to kill herself?" I felt a humid feeling on my eyes, but I fought back anything that I wanted to let out.

"Hey.. don't think of that," She scolded me and almost slapped my intertwined legs, "Think of positive things. Like you and Peridot sorting things out," may that really happen?

"Is that even gonna happen?" I frown, suddenly a soothing yet at the same time upbeat ukulele strings were being pulled perfectly. A very nice song was playing and suddenly I was stuck in my very first song experience..

Garnet took a deep breath before opening her mouth to beautiful Lyrics:

"Take a moment to think of just.." She sang,
"Flexibility ,love ,and trust.." Of love? "Take a moment to think of just flexibility ,love, and trust." Her voice was so high and beautiful, it made the butterflies in my stomach I threw up and they all came flying out of my mouth. Just one staying over my hands, and in its little wings.. I saw Peridot.

As if the butterfly saw every move. I saw Peridot, crying in what seemed to be her room.

"Here comes a thought that might alarm you," Garnet kept singing, she as well had a butterfly hovering over her long hands. It was completely glowing white, but I'm pretty sure she saw what was happening inside her head-

"What someone said and how it harmed you," Suddenly James and Dash's face were in the wings, just crying of laughter. I definitely remember what they said.

---"Woah.. the job thing was just a joke and you're seriously going to look for one? Do you know what sarcasm is?"

"Dash, please. If anything, I need your support and not your humor right now,"---

"Something you did that failed to be charming.."  Then a fistful of butterflies flew around us, bringing us slightly closer and I intertwine my own fingers to copy her position.

"Things that you said are suddenly swarming,"

---"Sorry if I sound mean? She just said she would be here well...instead of you." I look down at her with my position finally straight. Her eyes went wide and darted up to meet my gaze,

"You don't like my presence?"---

"And ,oh, you're losing sight. You're losing touch."

---"N-nothing... She was gonna hurt you 'n I couldn't permit that." She shuddered, I pushed myself up with my almost abcent strength and took a glimpse of Peridot's long red socks. She wasn't wearing any shoes though.---

"And all these little things seem to matter so much that they confuse you. That I might lose you." The fistful of glowing and blinding butterflies now circled around Garnet ,all going up and down to they're own rythym. She smiled ,never stopped doing it even if the butterflies slept over her flower crown and messed her hair up. Although her hair stayed perfectly still..

I took a deep breath, "Take a moment. Remind yourself to take a moment and find yourself. Take a moment to ask yourself if this is how you fall apart."

---Opening my eyes... I was in the very bottom. I was sitting in the depths of the pool, still no air and not needing it. But the realization of this was overwhelming. Eventually my chest felt like it was shrinking and I quickly swam up to the surface. I panted, even though I didn't even have to.

Woah, what happened...?---

"But it's not. But its not. But it's not.  But it's not. But it's not.."

---"What about you?" I asked, I crossed my legs and rested my elbow on my knee. Placing my chin on my fist as I stare at her in interest, "Tell me about you then." Peridot Kiyoko, what does she have to say?

"Oh...hehe...you ain't ready for this." She cracked her knuckles and slouched besides me.---

---some small yet strong arms were wrapped around my hips. Peridot was hugging me, tight, like she never wanted to let go.

"Peridot, what's wrong?". Puzzled I raise my hands, she immediately darted back, covering her flushed face with both her hands. "I-I'M SORRY."

"Hey, don't worry.. it's-"---

"Its okay. Its okay. Its okay .Its okay. Its okay."

 I had my eyes squeeze shut, realizing how everything was all inside my head. Garnet is right. I shouldn't overthink everything and I should just find out what's going on..

 She took my hands and pulled me towards her, she shifting to her side and we both layed down on the trimmed grass just staring at how the butterflies stood on the branches, but then slowly flew away; "You got nothing. got nothing. got nothing. got nothing to fear.. you're here. She's here. We're here."

and this time I sang with her, blue and brown eyes both looking at each other while mirroring big smiles: 

"It was just a thought. just a thought. just a thought. just a thought. It's okay. its okay. its okay. its okay. We can watch them. can watch them. we can watch them go by from here. from here. from here."

Sigh... I'll take a moment to think of just... flexibility ,love and trust.

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love and trust..


I hope you were imagining it just like I was because JOOOWWEEEEYYY was this fun to write and damn I want to animate this cheese one day. It could've been longer, but if you want a Migrain pt. 2 ill gladly give you one.

Blue Friday 2/3


The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon