Downstairs it was like a badly planned house party. There were people everywhere, mostly drunk, mostly snogging like the world was going to end. I squeezed past Fran Longbottom, not in the slightest bit curious who she was kissing, and into the kitchen. Nana was sitting at the table with Andromeda Black, Auntie Angelina's mum, Augusta Longbottom and Professor McGonagall (it made me very uncomfortable to see the headmistress sitting in the kitchen that everyone would stumble down to hungover the next morning. I already felt like I was doing something wrong) talking, and drinking a lot of red wine. Uncle George was in the garden preparing his bloody fireworks. It was a clear, calm night, despite all the snow on the ground.

I wandered into the living room to find that all of Nana's nibbles had vanished, and I briefly wondered why I'd even bothered leaving the safety of the bathroom.

"Rose, darling!" Mum hurried over to me, evidently a little tipsy on fizzy wine. "How are you?"

I nodded. "Fine. How are you?"

"Fine," she nodded, her voice coming out a little higher than I'd expected.

Auntie Ginny followed mum over, offering me a glass of champagne.

"I think I'll wait til midnight," I replied. "I mean, if I can even drink... with child?" I was really struggling to get those particular words out.

"It'll be fine," she winked, completely brushing off my discomfort. I found a glass of sparkling apple juice that would probably pass for champagne if anyone asked, and left to find my cousins. There was a weird atmosphere surrounding mum and Ginny, and I didn't want to get sucked into anything that wasn't my fault.

               "Hey, Rose," Dom smiled as I approached her. "Party popper?"

I took it with my free hand, realising that there were at least twenty minutes until midnight so I would be walking around like a fool with a useless party popper.

Dom looked beautiful. She was wearing a short, silvery dress that hugged every single curve in the most flattering way, and silver heels. The dress had three quarter length sleeves, and the colour absolutely complimented her complexion. She had thin white tights on, and she had curled her white blonde hair. I noticed, as she handed me a party popper, that she had painted her nails silver match. I mean, I'd been lying on my bed while she complained about every single thing that had possibly gone wrong with the dress, including the tiny ladder in her spare pair of tights, so I'd already seen her all dressed up, but it was the sort of subtle beautiful that meant you were in awe of her appearance every time she walked past.

"You look gorgeous, Dom. I'd totally do you."

"Thanks, Rosie," she smiled prettily. It was unnerving how nice she was being.

Dom caught the hand of a tall, dark haired boy as he wandered past, and pulled him over to us.

"Rose, this is Matt, my boyfriend. Matt, this is Rose. She's Albus' cousin."

I caught myself staring, so I blinked and held out my hand. This explained Dom's pleasantries.

"Hello, Matt," I said politely. He smiled at me, and his cold blue eyes seemed to warm up.

"Hi Rose," he said, grasping my hand firmly and shaking it. "You're the Gryffindor seeker, aren't you?"

I nodded. "You're a beater?"


"So you know Al?"

"Well, I mean, not really. I'm the year above you all. We're both on the Quidditch team though." This boy had a serious seventh year complex.

The Diary Of Rose Weasley- Sixth Year And PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now