Baby Shopping

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A/N I'm so so so sO SO SO SO SO sorry honestly you have no idea I am sO sorry for leaving it this long. After this chapter (which is pretty long, I hope that sort of makes up for it?) I have one and a half more chapters written so I WILL start updating again. 

I'm so sorry.

It's not even that I stopped writing, it's just that I've been writing all sorts of similar, non-fanfic things recently, literally hundreds of different things, so this hasn't been top of my list. but I'm definitely back into it for the moment!

thank you so much for all the comments, I can't even begin to describe what they mean to me! I love you all so much!

(pS if anyone's keen on being a beta reader, let me know. I'm about to send out a message to my fans aswell but if you're not a fan... just keeping you in the loop :)

again SORRY SORRY SORRY, I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one will be up SOON I PROMISE! xx

Chapter 17

Baby Shopping

Chapter 16

I rolled over sleepily, landing on Scorpius' chest.

"Morning," he said, smiling amusedly.

"Morning," I muttered, stifling a yawn. "Have you slept?"


"Bullshit," I replied, taking in the grey shadows under his eyes.

"Ok, so I didn't really. I'm fine Rose."

I just rolled my eyes, while he tried to make excuses for his lack of sleep.

"Ok, ok, whatever," I said finally, holding up a hand to stop the flow of words. "I'm sure your excuses were perfectly good but I don't care right now. Get up, we're going shopping!"

"Oh joy," he muttered.

"Shut up and get dressed," I replied, climbing out of bed, picking up a handful of unknown clothes and heading for the bathroom. I'd only been home two days and already my room looked like a pigsty.

                             Ten minutes later I was sitting in the kitchen scoffing my face with toast.

"Alright there Rose?" Dad asked, coming up behind me. And again with my theory of lack of male greetings.

"Morning," I said happily, through a mouthful of food.

"Sleep well?"

I nodded, not wanting to spray anyone with toast crumbs. Truth was, I slept better than ever knowing my dad was home again.

"Any plans for today?" Mum asked from over by the oven where she was stirring something that looked suspiciously like porridge. Urgh.

"Shopping," I said cheerfully, just as Scorpius stumbled into the room with messy hair and his t-shirt on backwards.

"Your t-shirt's on backwards," I pointed out helpfully.

"Is it? Oh..." he yawned. "Whoops."

"Morning Scorpius," Mum said brightly. "Sleep well."

He made some sort of noise of confirmation and sat down, helping himself to a piece of toast.

"Shopping?" Mum turned back to me. "Who are you and what have you done with Rose Weasley?"

"Baby shopping," I clarified quickly.

"Oh, um, right," she said, sounding a bit flustered. "Rose, can you come with me a minute? Ron, keep an eye on the porridge."

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