Revenge is a dish best served ice-cold and wholehearted

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Chapter 21

Revenge is a dish best served ice-cold and wholehearted.

"No," she insisted. "No, Rose, I don't want to play for Gryffindor."

I set my mouth firmly. "Lily, I'm not taking no for an answer. You're too talented. Just let James try you out this evening. That's all I'm asking. He might not want you anyway."

She glared.

I sighed loudly. "Lily, I won't be back next year –"

"- Don't say that Rose," she interrupted. 

"It's true. I'm almost definitely finishing my education this year. And I want absolutely nothing more than for Gryffindor to win the cup."

She gave me a firm look that absolutely said 'don't lie to me Weasley'.

"Alright, maybe I want some things more," I conceded. "But if I can't play, then I seriously think you should. Just give it a chance."

She rolled her eyes. "Alright, fine!"

I grinned broadly. "Thank you, Lily! Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me yet," she warned. "I might be shit."

"You won't be," I replied reassuringly. "See you later."

"Bye, Rosie."

                    I'd accosted Lily on her way to the library – where else? -  but I'd promised Dom that I'd see her in the common room later, so I made my way back there apprehensively. The Hogsmeade students were dribbling back into school, and I imagined that the Gryffindor common room would be fairly packed at this time in the evening. I disclosed the password – Quaffle, in light of the upcoming final – to the Fat Lady, and climbed through the portrait hole awkwardly.

                    The entire Potter-Weasley/respective-partners clan were gathered around the fireplace, with the exception of the small cluster of fifth years who had their OWLs approaching. I was, of course, truly delighted to find Molly and Lucy dominating my favourite sofa.

"What's happening?" I started to ask, and then I saw Dom in the middle of everyone, and it clicked.

"Jesus, Rose, I thought you were dead!" Fred grinned, ruffling my hair. "Hello."

I ducked away from him. "Evening. Alright, Dom."

She nodded bravely. "We were just discussing, you know, everything."

"No," James interrupted. "We were planning terrible revenge on the pair of them."

She half grinned. "Yeah, that."

"Are you in, Red?" Fred asked seriously. "Because revenge is a dish best served ice cold and wholehearted."

"That's the only way I know how," I grinned, settling myself on the floor by Scorpius' feet. "What have you got?"

"Well this is the problem," Al explained, and I looked round in surprise.

"I didn't think you ever left the library," I teased.

"Speak for yourself, hermit," he retorted with a smile. "Anyway, nothing we can think of is, well, bad enough, considering the small essay of things we're accounting for."

"Yeah, thanks Al, to put it crudely, she's a real bitch," James grinned, and then fixed his eyes on Scorpius. "Alright Malfoy, buddy, you're a Slytherin, this should be your forte, right?"

"Al's in Slytherin too," he protested.

"Yeah, look at that wimp, he hasn't got a nasty bone in his body," James replied, leaving us to wonder if that was an actual compliment. "We all know he's in the wrong house."

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