I Was Just Trying To Help, I Swear

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a/N lalala I'm off out, have a chapter, I've got something to mention when I get back but no time vite lily vite

ily, enjoy!

Chapter 18

I Was Just Trying To Help, I Swear

The Potters, minus James, stayed for two days, and then they, well, went home. It was really fun though. And I hadn't seen Al properly in ages. Or Lily, in fact. I'd missed them. I hadn't even realised how much I needed my cousins, but clearly I did. My mid-Easter resolution was to spend more time with all of them. Except Molly, because frankly, no time spent with her is too much.

                I was roped into refereeing lots of games of Quidditch, that were kind of Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, except everyone except Al and Scorp were Gryffindors, so it was more Harry-Al-Scorp vs. Dad-Ginny-Hugo. Sometimes they managed to make mum and Lily play, and then mum played on Harry's makeshift Slytherin team, while Lily, who is an excellent seeker, played on Dad's Lions' All The Way team. These games normally ended in arguments between Dad and Harry, or Lily and Al, or Al and Scorp, just for the hell of it. Or me and Hugo, because we can argue for England. Sometimes they'd just end in massive family bust ups which involved everyone pissing off into their own rooms, which caused more arguments due to the fact that everyone was sharing rooms. Proper dysfunctional family. We ate remarkably big dinners both nights, where mum, Ginny, Dad and Harry all contributed... somehow. Ginny had inherited Nana Molly's cooking skills, but dad most certainly had not. Harry can make scrambled eggs... and that's it. So I think dad and Harry laid the table. And put lots of effort into it.

So basically, we had a great time.

For a bit, I even forgot that I was a fat whale with a baby in my stomach. And that was really awesome.

                Finally, the day after they'd gone, I heaved myself off the sofa with a knitted jumper on and a pair of leggings, and went to visit Dom. Because I'd promised I would, and because I owed her this much.

"I'M GOING OUT, SEE YOU LATER," I yelled at... anyone, before throwing the floo powder into the fire, stepping into the green flames and calling out 'Dom's house'.

A couple of seconds later I stumbled out of the fireplace into Dom's clean, shiny living room. She was waiting for me.

"Rose," she squealed like a girl. Because she is a girl, "Hello! How are you?"

"I'm good," I smiled tiredly. "I've, uh, got something to tell you Dom..."

Just then, someone walked into the room. He was tall, with dark hair, and slightly shifty looking eyes.

Oh holy shit, what on earth have I done to deserve this?

"Hello, Rose, is it?" he said politely, kissing Dom on the side of her neck. Well, I mean, he said it, and then kissed Dom.

"Yes... Matt," I said stonily. "Could we have a minute please?"

"Hey, whatever you want to say, you can say in front of Matt," Dom said calmly.

"No. Dom, I need to talk to you for a minute," I said firmly. "Now. Girl things."

Matt looked vaguely sickened, and I'm sure plenty of things were running through her head. She was battling herself internally, until she decided that I won because I was glaring at him, and her, until she agreed.

"Ok, ten minutes Rose. Come on."

I smiled gratefully at Dom, and stuck my tongue out at Matt on the way past. Because I'm about as childish as my unborn child.

The Diary Of Rose Weasley- Sixth Year And PregnantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon