When we finally made it to the car Tey started it up and looked over at me with pity. Which I didn't want.

"Are you alright, boo?"

"I'm fine." I crossed my arms.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Can we not talk about that right now?" I mumbled while looking out of the window.
"Yeah, sure." She pulled off of the curb and I watched as Corey rubbed down his face and walked back into the house party. I rolled my eyes and leaned more into my seat getting comfortable.

I just wanted my dad at the moment but in the meantime I would sit back and listen to Jahkoy that came through the speakers.

Leaning against the wall I listened to the beat of Controlla fill the room. I rubbed my hands down my arms and pursed my lips.

Teyana always seemed to leave me by myself with a group full of people and I hated that shit. I spotted the STD couple walking and I rolled my eyes with annoyance. It was nice seeing Corey but of course he was high. With the no good bitch on his arm.

"Hey King." He spoke, giving me a nod.

"Wassup?" I smiled.

"Hello." Ingrid looked me over.

I looked her up and down and decided not to speak. I don't care if it was disrespectful. This bitch fucked everything up.

"I said hello, Kingsley."

"I heard you the first time. I don't want to talk to you, and it's King to you hoe. I don't like people calling me by my first name and I don't fuck with you." I spoke cooly.

Corey grabbed on to her waist and looked down at her with a warning. Yes. Please warn your bitch because knowing me I would drag this hoe.

"Hm." She laughed.

"Is there something that needs to be said?" I moved from off the wall and stood a couple of feet away from her.

I spotted Teyana making her way back with some drinks but I couldn't give two fucks. If someone stopped me from whooping this hoe then they ass getting hit also.

She too bold.

"Actually there is. I'm gone need you to stay away from my man."

I laughed and looked between the two of them.

"I don't want that dumbass. He's all yours honey. Just don't forget that they always come running back." I smiled.

"Not this one. I'm sure he doesn't want your tired ass. You couldn't even give him his first baby." She smirked.

My heart dropped. How the fuck did she know about my child?

"I have the pleasure of doing it though." She rubbed her belly. Corey just stood there looking down at the ground like the dumbass nigga that he was.

All I saw was red.

I got a good first punch to her jaw before Teyana pulled me away from her. She fell to the ground and started crying like the little bitch that she is.

I wasn't a fool and I know Corey wasn't either for letting that hoe talk to me like that, but It's cool.

"I'm gone see you later okay? I have to go back to the party and wait on Ethan."

I nodded and opened up the door.

"I'll be fine. My father's home." I saw his red BMW in the driveway along with another car that wasn't his.

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