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"I know mom! I'm doing all that I can

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"I know mom! I'm doing all that I can."

"Sitting on your ass, is doing all that you can?!" Corey's mother shouted at him.

He threw his hands up in the air.

"I'm a junior mom, I have school. Your the adult! You should be bringing money on the table. Instead your depending on your son to do that shit. That's pathetic ma!" Natalie's hand came crashing down on his face and he winced moving away from her.

He closed his eyes and counted to ten. He didn't want to put his hands on his own mother but she was really acting like a bitch.

"I'm still your mother, and you will speak to me with some respect." She grabbed her purse and looked back at him opening the door.

"Your sister needs to be picked up from tutoring later. I need you to get her I'm working late tonight." She walked out and slammed the door her black trench coat that was locked around her in pursuit.

Corey heaved and wiped the blood from his lip.

"Man, fuck!" He screamed.

How could they live in the suburbs but still be broke. Thats right, his father paid all the bills while his mother went out and shook her ass and sold her pussy for money she only used for herself.

Corey shook his head and stomped upstairs feeling like a pussy. He just got slapped in the face and didn't do shit.

"Fuck!" He grabbed his curls and pulled them, causing harm to himself.

Tears pooled from his eyes and he hated himself for crying. Walking to his mothers room he yanked open her medicine cabinet searching for a first aid kit for his lip. He couldn't go to school like this. Looking like a bitch.

He moved over the advils and his eyes landed on Xanax in bright letters on a prescription bottle. He squinted and grabbed it off the shelf twisting the bottle around looking at what she needed it for.


He swallowed and opened the bottle piling some into his hand. He picked out seven and threw them into his mouth taking them down dry.

He closed the pill bottle back and stuffed it into his pocket. If his mother asked he didn't know where it was. For all he knew a ghost took that shit and ran with it.

His pupils dilated and he felt a rush. He stumbled and slid down the tub landing on the floor. He closed his eyes and felt like he was floating.

"I hate myself." He slurred before dozing off completely.

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