Chapter 26

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    My vision slowly became clear as I opened my eyes.

            “Oh man,” I yawned. I felt Jordan’s arm still around me so I looked down. Instead, I saw a fully tatted arm rested around my body. I jumped and turned around to see Chris peacefully sleeping beside me.

            “Oh Chris!” I exclaimed. He popped his eyes open and instantly reached for the nightstand drawer where he kept a gun. “Chris, Chris. It’s me!”

            When he noticed that, he relaxed and reached his arm back around me. We were now facing each other with our faces only an inch apart. I rested my hand gently on the side of his face and smiled at him. He had his eyes closed so he didn’t see me smile but he smiled too.

            “Chris… I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have spazzed on you like that yesterday. I really don’t know what was wrong with me. I hope you’re not mad anymore.”

            He hesitated. “I just want to sleep,” he abruptly said. I was scrunched my face up but I just let it go. “Okay, sweet dreams.” I slowly got out of the bed to use the bathroom. I heard him shuffle around in the bed but I didn’t look back.

            While I was watching my hands, I splashed some water in my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn’t believe that I’ve gone through so much with this one man and my child in a span of 2 and a half years. It really amazes me how I got through all of this honestly. It’s just something about Chris that makes me not want to leave him no matter what. The biggest reason is because he’s like Jordan’s father that he never had. Secondly, I just love him. Even though I bitch sometimes, it’s this connection we have and it feels amazing.

            I just can’t get the bad thoughts out of my head. I shook my head and told myself I was ready for whatever is coming next…

            I brushed my teeth before walking out of the bathroom.

            When I walked out the bathroom, Chris was standing in front of the door. He picked me up and spun me around. “Be careful,” I laughed. He stopped spinning and looked up at me with a confused look. “What do you mean be careful? Something hurt on you?” he asked, walking into the bathroom after putting me down.

            He kept the door open while he peed. Chris is always so open about what he does. He’ll just walk in the bathroom while I’m in there and pee. He’ll fart in the bed and then fan it in my direction. That was nasty as hell because his farts stink but I’ve gotten used to them.

            “Nah, I just didn’t want you to squeeze me too tight,” I muttered. He looked at me while stuffing his dick back into his shorts. I watched him as he washed his hands and then brushed his teeth. I was about to tell him something until he walked out the bathroom and led me to the bed. I sat on the edge and grabbed his hand when he sat next to me.

            “So, why were you acting like that again?” he asked.

            I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s just that… when I saw her and she said her name was Nicole and I remember you telling me about her before, I got jealous. Probably because she was a girl that you had actual feelings for. If it was one of your little hoes that you used to have I wouldn’t have gotten mad. I’ve never done that before. I just feel really protective of you,” I explained. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him.

            “Listen to me, you’re the only girl that I want and need. Nobody else has my attention but you. Do you notice how I barely pick up my phone? Well one, because I just don’t like people and two because I don’t talk to anybody else. At all. At this point I can’t really trust anybody else but you and everybody else in this house.” He rocked me back and forth as he talked.

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