Chapter 6 part 2

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            “Get the fuck off of me! Somebody help please!” I shouted. He covered my mouth with his hand while we laid in the hallway of my floor. I tried to reach for my door to bang on it to wake Jordan up but Jordan already opened the door. “Get off my mom!” he screamed. Why the fuck is nobody else hearing this shit?! I’ve been out here fighting this crazy ass man off for like 10 minutes now. He looked up and shoved Jordan down to the ground. Oh no the fuck he didn’t.

            I all of a sudden got enough strength to push him off of me. He fell down the steps, hitting each one with a thud. “Baby, call 911!” I screamed. I threw him my phone. “I already did,” he answered. The landlord tried to climb back up the steps but I kicked him right in the face. He tumbled back down the steps. What does he mean he already-?

            Chris came running up the steps. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Yeah I’m fine now I…” I trailed off as he stepped over the landlord and ran up to Jordan. Jordan nodded his head. Chris took Jordan into his arms. “You scared me half to death over the phone,” Chris said, breathing hard. Wait, I’m confused as fuck.

            “Ma, you know we still do have a house phone?” Jordan said when Chris let him go. Chris looked down the steps at the landlord laying on the floor, holding where I kicked him. “Go get some clothes for you and your moms man,” Chris told Jordan. Jordan went to go do as he was told. I looked up at Chris with a confused look on my face. “How… what… he… called… what… I’m confused.”

            “I wrote my number down in Jordan’s coloring book the other day. I forgot for what but I did,” he explained. “Now about how you got here so fast?” I asked. He bent down and put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. “After I dropped yall off I didn’t go straight home. I was still close to here,” he answered. Chris was standing on a step facing me and I was standing on the step above him. His back was to the landlord so he didn’t see him sneaking up. “Heads up!” I yelled. Chris quickly turned around and punched the landlord right in his jaw. Spit flew out his mouth and he tumbled down the stairs again.

            “Bitch ass nigga,” I said. He held his jaw and laughed. “Oh who is this your boyfriend?” the landlord asked. “No, does that matter though?” Chris said, looking down at him, clenching his jaw. He does that every time he gets mad or upset. I notice that now.

            “He hit Jordan,” I told Chris. Chris walked down the steps and stood over the landlord. “You put your hands on him?” Chris asked. “No, she’s obviously crazy. She had sex with me just so she wouldn’t have to pay rent last month. She’s fucking crazy,” the landlord responded. Chris slowly looked back at me. I looked away quickly.

            “No matter what she did, I still believe you put your hands on him. Don’t do it. Ever again,” Chris demanded. The landlord laughed. Chris banged him in his face again, knocked him straight out. Jordan came out the house with two backpacks and handed one to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist. “I thought you said you called 911 Jordan?” I asked, looking down at him. He looked up at me with big eyes. “I did,” he whispered, nodding towards Chris.

            “Come on yall,” Chris told us.

            When we got to Chris’s house, he showed us a guest bedroom that we could sleep in. Shit, the guest bedroom looks like a master bedroom so I wonder what Chris’s room looks like. The bed was a huge king sized bed with hella pillows stack on it. There was a flat screen TV hanging on the wall and the room even had its own bathroom. It felt like staying in the presidential suite in a hotel.

            “A mini fridge!” Jordan screamed. He ran over to a mini fridge that sat in the corner of the room. I sat down on the huge bed. My butt sank right into it. Oh lord it was the softest thing I’ve ever sat on in a while. I laid across the bed and drowned into the cushion. Oh this felt so good. “Ma, you want a soda?” Jordan asked me. “Mhm,” I said into the cushion, sounding muffled.

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