before we met

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It was Friday afternoon, and some of the students of my school had left for the weekend to reunite with their family or loved ones. I instead stayed in the dormitory because, well I wasn't welcomed home anymore... haha just kidding. I stayed at the dormitory because I didn't want to spend money on a bus ticket which would have taken me home for just two days, and then back to that stinking place again.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I didn't like the dorm, it's just that... I don't know maybe it was me who wanted to live in an actual home like I had been living for the last 15 years of my life.

Anyways, it was 1 o'clock and my three friends:

Igor, 16 years old.

Allen, 16 years old.

Aethan, 16 years old

 and I had just finished eating lunch at the school's cafeteria. Two of them were heading off to their hometown, while the third one decided to stay with me for the weekend.

We did a portion of the road together and then we departed, the two groups their ways. While Igor and Allen went to take the van, Aethan and I went go to this computer center kinda place where I would personally watch my favorite television series such as Pretty Little Liars, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, The Flash... Yeah, I know that those are mostly animated but Hey what can I do, I love some good FOX animation.

After having laughed at Shane Dawson's crazy Shanany videos, and Smiled at Joey Graceffa's adorable vlogs, Aethan and I decide to return to our dorm, which BTW (by the way) we shared with four other students two of which were a year older than us and the other two were seniors. One of those seniors I rarely saw since he was always studying for his finals. Now I think he's in Turkey studying medicine. The other one was more in our room more often so I would sometimes get to talk to him a little bit about senior year, about myself, and he would talk about his life, just basic chit-chat. I believe he's studying economics now. 

They were just the best. So mature. I even had the honor and pleasure to once have breakfast with them and two other seniors who were just as smart and mature as I thought they would be.

I'm straying from the main topic, sorry. I sometimes get a little carried away with certain details.

So, we go to our dorm which was on the third floor last room to the left, and I immediately fell asleep. Why do you ask? Because I had in plan to go to watch a couple of movies during the night with Aethan. We certainly were not intending on sleeping during the night. He had a bunch of movies on his USB flash drive so we decided to watch a couple of them.

I get awaken by the vibration of my phone as the alarm goes on. It was 6 p.m. My eyes could barely open as it was so dark in the room. All the curtains were closed and the light was turned off. I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to wake up. It worked. A big yawn escaped my mouth as my whole body was stretching out.

I got up, drew the curtains, and turned off Aethan's alarm too. He would never wake up to his alarm so I would always wake him up. As we were getting ready to go to the cafeteria to eat dinner his phone rang.

"Hi Auntie, how are you?" he said speaking to his aunt, who was currently living in the city where we were going to school. "Well if I'm not of any disturb then OK, I'll be there as soon as I finish dinner."

No movies tonight.

"It was my aunt Carol," he said, "she wants me to come and visit her since my cousins came too."

"Ou OK. But you have to get permission from the dorm's headmaster." I said trying to be a sport and not making him feel sorry for me.

"You're right. Come on, maybe he's in the cafeteria," he said rushing me out.

"OK calm the fuck down bitch."

One hour later...

"Hey, are you sure you don't want my USB?" he said trying to be polite.

"Don't worry, I'll just figure something out," I said faking a smile and then giving him a high five followed by a hug.

I walked Aethan to the gate of our school and there we waved goodbye. I watched as his silhouette got engulfed in the darkness of the night. It felt a little lonely after that so I got back to my room.

You know when like in the movies or television series are those shots displaying a character doing multiple activities to show that time is passing by? Well, imagine that. Imagine me playing ping-pong, singing a bunch of Glee songs, walking around the room, going to the bathroom and peeing, doing some push-ups... haha well the last one is impossible because I rarely exercise, like ever. And after some time I look at my phone's watch and it's 7:35 pm. Like WTF?!

So I go to the fourth floor and knock on our counselor's door.

"Who is it?" he said

"It's me, Ben," I said in a shaking voice.

"Now it's not a good time Ben, could you come a little late?"

"Listen do you have a laptop that I could borrow?" I said ignoring his response.

"Wait..." he said and I saw the door opening before me.

Now, what happened next it's the story of how I REALLY  met him.

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Next chapter coming soon. I PROMISE.

Thank you for reading.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.


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