Chapter 29: My being Followed

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Zena's POV

Me, Juvia and Gray ran into the guild actually breaking the door down. It was a bit late and only some people were there. "Where's Mama!?" I shouted. Mira came up to me and bent down to my level.

"Welcome back, Lucy went home. She said to tell you to go home when your back." She smiled and I ran out of the guild. I could tell someone followed me because I could hear them breathing deeply. I look behind me and see Erza and Gray. We got to my home and I hopped up the stairs to me and Mamas house. I opened it only to smell Mama. I sneaked into her room and saw her sleeping.

"Maybe we shouldn't wake her," Erza said behind me. She was so loud I don't think waking her would be the problem. "It has been a long few days for Lucy." She go fished and sat down on the couch in the living room.

"Okay." I sat in between the two and sighed. "I hope we can get Mama back to normal." I whispered. Gray must have hear me because after he ruffled my hair with his large hand.

"Good night." I waved goodbye to them as I crawled into bed.

Normal POV

In the morning Zena woke up to a loud knock on the door. She opened it to find Gray, Erza, Mavis and Makorov. Lucy woke up too as she yawned. "Morning Lucky," the demon beside her bed greeted her to a evil smirk. Lucy just glared at him. She walked into the living room to find her guild mates together.

"What's going on here?" She asked looked at everyone.

"We think me must have a way to stop END from haunting you." Mavis answered. Lucy shot a glance over her shoulder to END who had his arms crossed in the doorway.

"We need you to tell us what he says to you each time his here." Makorov added.

"How sweet of them." END laughed and showed the picture of the guilds death to Lucy once more. "Remember that Lucky and choice your answer." He stated. Lucy was now shaking.

"Um... N-no. I-I'm f-fine. Really." She said forcing a smile. She looked at Zena and back at END with her eyes. Zena tilted her head. Again she looked at both with only her eyes. Zena's eyes widened.

"Onii-chan, come out now!" She shouted. END made a tch sound with his mouth. "As the Daughter of Zeref I command the demon Eitherous Natsu Dragneel to realize himself!" She stomped her foot.

"Tell her I don't collect orders from her I'm only in your head." He commanded. Lucy nodded.

"He said he doesn't take orders from you and that he's only in my head." She repeated. Zena frowned they got an idea.

"Then I'm telling Papa!" She cried. END's ears and horns pierced up.

"What did she say? Telling Zeref!" He shouted. Lucy backed up a bit scared of what's gonna happen. Zena held up a lacrima and began to shout.

"Zeref's p-," she was stopped by Lucy holding her mouth closed with her hand. "Mh mh?" She muttered under Lucy's hand. Lucy's eyes were pure black.

"Sorry kiddo but I can't let you tell Lord Zeref." She said in an emotionless tone. Everyone was confused. Mavis flew over to Lucy and waved her hand in front of her face. No reaction.

"Lucy's being possessed by END!" Mavis shouted scaring Zena, Erza and Gray.

"So smart as always Mavis. I just didn't want Lord Zeref to know about me haunting Lucky just yet." She bent down to Zena. "So keep you mouth shut princess!" She let go of Zena's mouth and she nodded. Finally Lucy's eyes turned back to normal and she fell to the floor. Gray caught her and she awoke.

"Are you alright Lucy?" Gray asked sitting her up.

"I'm fine. I think." She rubbed her head. "What happened?" Then she saw END walking over to her. Lucy scrambled to her feet and hide behind Gray.

"For a short moment you were controlled by END." Makorov answered. Lucy started to shake. END smirked at her.

"You said you wouldn't do that! Please I don't want to hurt any of my friends!" She cried hugging Gray. END laughed.

"Of course Lucky!" He laughed. Mavis put a hand on Lucy's shoulder.

"We have a way to help you," Lucy's smiled. It was her first real smile in a very long time. Zena ran and hugged her from behind. Lucy's hand started to glow again. END covered his eyes and face from the bright light. Suddenly he disappeared from Lucy's sight with a light poof.

"He's gone." She said emotionlessly. Mavis out her hands on her shoulders and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"What is he telling you?" She asked.

"Um... Let's see..." She thought for a moment before she got her answer. "Love." She stated. "He keeps telling me not to love. Love will kill all of you and then me." She looked at her feet. Erza smiled and hugged Lucy.

"Don't you see! He disappeared because you loved something when your hand glowed!" She looked at her in the eyes hard. "Love Lucy, Love!" Then END appeared again punching Lucy in the stomach. She feel to her knees and hugged her stomach in pain.

"What did I tell you Lucky! Don't love, but since you decided to not listen to me ... I'll make you never want to love!" He snapped his fingers and the room and everyone in it went away. Lucy stood up and looked at the object placed in her hand. It was a knife. END moved his hand around and it caused Lucy's hand to do the same actions. The place was black. Nothin but END and Lucy.

Lucy's POV

I'm so confused. The room is gone and nothing but black for what looked like miles. I can see me and END perfectly but not anything else. The knife was cold. It felt so heavy in my hand. END was pretty mad. I'm so scared of what his going to do to me. What I wouldn't give to be protected by him right now. My hand started glowing again. "That's it!" He shouted and made me push forward with the knife in front of me. I tried to stop but that didn't seem to work, nothing did. Suddenly we came to a quick stop. "Oh Lucky, want have you done?" He said evilly smirking at me. I looked at him and he pointed to me. I looked down at my hand with the knife but something was on it. It was blood. The blood was bright red and dripped off the knife. But their was nothing there! Suddenly the lights came back on and there I stood with the knife in my hand. With Erza on the other side of it. Her eyes were white and her face and pale. Oh God what did I... This isn't real. It's only END trying to trick me!

"Nice try END but this isn't going to work twice." I said trying to pull the knife out. When it did Erza fell to the floor. Gray, Master, Mavis and Zena just stood their watching me and Erza. "This is real isn't it." I whispered. Gray kneeled down to Erza.

"Erza!" He cried. Tears streaking down his face. "What the hell Lucy?! We're trying to help you!" He said hugging Erza's lifeless body. She was dead. I killed Erza. I killed my very bestfriend. I fell to my knees and started throwing up and crying at the same time.

"Oh god!" I cried. Zena stood in front of me. "Stop hurting my friends!" I screamed. Zena came and hugged me. I felt something warm on my back. I hugged her back. She was crying.

"I'm sorry I did this to you Mama. If I was never here you wouldn't have been through this." She whispered in my ear. I hugged tighter. She cried more. "I'll go tell Papa." She said and got up. I tried to grab her by I couldn't reach and fell on my hands. "Zeref's palace!" And in a flash she vanished from sight. Erza was dead and it was my fault. I crawl over to her and take her in my arms.

"Please Erza! Please! Your stronger than this! Please!" My tears dripped onto her face. "Your my best friend, you always have been. It's just I didn't realize until now. Please don't die!" I scream at the top of my lungs think that would change something I did. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Masters.

"My child," he began. "Spread your wings and fly to heaven my dear Erza." He bent down and placed his hand over Erza's face closing her open lifeless eyes. "You will always be in the hearts of your follow faires." Tears dripped down Masters eyes. This is END's fault. He's going to pay!

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