Chapter 23: The Light of Stars

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Normal POV:

The group emerged from the flash that Virgo make and entered a dark room. Zena and Wendy sniffed the air softly. "Mama!" Zena cried. She sniffed more and ran in the direction of faint strawberries. The group followed after her but immediately stopped when Zena did the same. She just stood still, standing over Lucy's body that was limp and face down. "Mama?" She bent down and sat on her knees. Erza bent down on the opposite side with her eyes filling up with tears.

"Lucy?" Gray asked into the darkness of the room. The dim lights were only good to see their dead friend. Zena began to shake. She hands were sweating and she had a strange feeling in her stomach. It felt like she had been stabbed. Wendy placed her hands over her body and they glowed light blue. She then stopped and dropped her hands to her side.

"No good. S-she's gone." Gray wrapped his arm around Erza's shoulder. Erza was to the right of them while Wendy was in the middle. Erza wrapped her arms around Gray to and they both squeezed Wendy in a big hug. Not one word was spoken for a while. Zena just stared at Lucy while Erza, Wendy and Gray hugged leaning over their friend.

"Mama!" Zena shouted breaking the silent. "No please Mama, please no." Erza just looked away and Wendy's tears dropped to the floor. "You promised to stay with me forever!" The room was filled with sorrow and the salty smell of fresh tears. "Please don't leave me, not now, not ever! You promised to be with be Mama! You promised to be my Mama!" She began to talk softly. "Please don't leave me in this world alone, I-I love you so very much Mama, I'm sorry I casted my spell, I'm sorry for lying, I'm sorry for not being able to protect you when for 6 months all you did was love me!" One after another tears rolled down her face with no sign of stopping. Gray covered his face with one hand and Erza's one eye was dripping like a broken sink, Wendy hugged Erza and cried into her amour. Zena flipped Lucy over so now she was on her back and Zena moved closer to her. She grabbed a hold on her shirt and lied down next to her gripping her shirt. She was now in the same position that Zena would sleep next to Lucy in. Her crying continued and finally Happy broke down. Carla snuggled close to Wendy. Happy rested on Lucy's chest crying like baby.

"Come back to Fairy Tail with us Zena." Erza said out of the blue catching her off guard.

"W-what? Why? I destroyed your hall and tried to kill you all and a-and Mamas gone because of me." She wiped her tears still lying with Lucy.

"It's not your fault. In Fairy Tail your past doesn't matter. Once a member always a member. If you stay out just going to be your dads puppet." Erza smiled sweetly at the little girl and placing a kind hand on her shoulder. Suddenly a bright orange flash appeared behind them. They turned to see an old friend named Loke.

"Loke?" Gray asked standing up with the others.

"Listen there's a way to save Lucy." Zena's ears perked up and she stood up. "If all of her spirits come together we can use our magic and save her. But theirs a price." He stopped and let them conceder it.

"What is it?" Happy asked flying over to him.

"Memory lose?" Carla asked. Loke shook his head no.

"Then what?" Wendy leaned closer to him.

"She can no longer use magic. All of her magic energy will be transformed into a life source." Each of their eyes widened and looked back at Lucy.

"Do it." They all said in unison. Loke nodded and walked over to Lucy. He stood over her and began glowing.

"In the name of the heavens, we spirits of our master will come forth and save her from death!" He shouted. Suddenly each member of the Zodiac that Lucy weld was surrounding Lucy's body. Zena and the others backed up giving them some room. Lucy's body began to glow. It glowed so bright that everyone had to cover their eyes or they'll be blinded. Finally after a whole long minute of silence the spirits stopped glowing and started to disappear.

"Don't worry guys Lucy will be alright!" Capricorn said giving them a thumbs up. He disappeared dropping his key. One by one they all started to go.

"Sorry we couldn't stay longer!" Aries said dropping her key and leaving.

"Tell Princess we love her!" Virgo cried dropping her key. Finally two were still here.

"I'm going to miss her to much, tell her that!" Aquarius waved goodbye and placed her key in Erza's hand.

"Goodbye everyone. I'm sure we'll see one another again, after all I am a Fairy Tail member." Tears dripped from his face. He held up his index finger signaling Fairy Tail. The others did the same until they heard a clink, from Loke's key dropping on the floor. Gray picked it up along with the other keys. He placed them onto Lucy's chest. Finally she started moving very slowly.

"Your going to be okay, Lucy." Gray picked her up bridal style and looks for an exit. Zena held her lacrima and transported everyone back to the guild hall.

"Your back!" Cana cried seeing the group holding Lucy. Makorov brought her into the infirmary and laid her on the bed.

Gray told the guild everything about Lucy's spirits saving her life and her not being able to use magic anymore. "That's terrible!" Levy shouted. Lisanna just stood in the corner of the hall and crossed her arms looking down. Zena, Gray and Erza sat in the infirmary next to poor Lucy. Then someone passed the enchantment placed around the room for protection.

"Lisanna?" Gray sounded surprised. She just looked at her feet and walked over to the other side of the bed.

"Mama!" Zena cried seeing that Lucy began to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room. She sat up and smiled softly.

"Hey guy."

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