Chapter 16: Challenges

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Lucy's POV:

The dummy stood up and transformed into another Fairy Tail member. Wendy. She had a pout on her face. It was funny. I laughed a little. Then the battle began. "Sky dragon wing attack!" She shouted. A whip of air hit me in the leg when I tried to jump out of the way. It hurt.

"Black whip!" A black whip appeared in my hand. I swung it back and front trying to hit the same child. On my 5th swing my whip hit Wendy right in both of her knees causing her to fall down. Finally I finished her off with a powerful punch to the stomach. The dummy then turned back to normal and stood up. "Last one!" The dummy became glowing. It then flashed and became Natsu. I gasped and it must have been loud because Seilah and Zena looked at me with a concerning look.

"Is something wrong Mama?" Zena asked. I shook my head and looked at the fake Natsu.

"Don't worry Lady Lucy," Seilah smiled at me. "This is your last fight for this challenge." I returned her smile. What is wrong with me? Why can I fight all the others but not him? The dummy ran up to me with a fast pace.

"Fire dragon iron fist!" Natsu's fist engulfed in flames and barely skinned my cheek. Get your head in the match Lucy! I jumped to the right and kicked him in the stomach. But it hurt me.

"Black beam!" The beam hit Natsu dead on and caused him to fall to the floor on his back. I walked up to him. "Black," my words stopped when him grabbed my ankle. He pulled it towards him and I fall to the floor next to him. My heart was racing.

"Fire dragon claw!" His foot was on fire and hit me in the stomach. I coughed up blood. I slowly stood up but a blow kick to my knee made me stay down.

"Black whip!" My whip extended to Natsu where it surrounded him with pain.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" A fire blast came straight for me. It burned. My knee was still in so much pain and the flames around me made it worse. Suddenly I blacked out.

Normal POV:

"Mama!" Zena ran onto the arena and kneeled down next to Lucy. The dummy was back to normal. Seilah also walked over to Lucy. Lucy was unconscious, burn marks all over her body.

"Interesting." Seilah stated. Zeref and the other demons came running into the arena too.

"What happened?" Jackel and Zeref said in unison. Zena hugged her father.

"Oh papa it was the dummy. She was fighting it and it was too strong!" Zena started to cry.

"Who was it?" Kyoka asked.

"Natsu Dragneel." Zena answered. Zeref's eyes widened. He carful looked at her burns. He then picked Lucy up bridal style.

Zeref brought Lucy to her room where everyone was gathered around the bed. "We should let Lady Lucy rest." Keyes said as they demons left the room. Now it was just Zeref, Zena and Lucy.

"Is she going to be alright, Papa?" Zena asked with tears in her eyes. Zeref rubbed her head softly.

"She's going to be just fine." He smiled. He wasn't lying. She would be just fine in a couple of days.

Back at Fairy Tail

The guild has decided. They were going to invade Zeref's Palace. "This is for the best!" Makarov shouted. His children agreeing. Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel were going to lead the invasion by air while Happy, Carla and Lily hold them. Erza and Mirajane were still in bad shape so they stayed behind. Mavis they appeared before all of them.

"Children of Fairy Tail!" She shouted. "Today will be a day of happiness or a day of pure sorrow. For 2 weeks now you all have have no negative emotions which will help you win this battle." Her glow brightened. "And remember your true goal, captured your dear comrade." She raised her right hand in the air pointing towards the sky. The Fairy Tail sign.

Levy was being held bridal style by Gajeel who was in the sky with Lily she was blushing while looking through each and every book carefully. "Zeref's palace is said to be the hiding place of Zeref and his demons. The location is somewhere in the everfree forest!" She shouted to her guild mates on the ground. Mavis nodded and the team marched forward to the forest. After awhile the guild reached the forests that held there friend.

"They could be everywhere in this forest!" Gray exclaimed, Juvia holding his arm tightly.

"I guess will have to spit up and search it like that." Makarov said. "Worrod will keep us connected." He said walking over to the wizard with telepathy.

Check check can you all hear me? Worrod asked through his mind. They all nodded. Pick a group of 2 to 4. Juvia immediately jumped into Grays arms screaming. Romeo smiled at Wendy and Levy stood by her goods friends Jet and Droy while still being in Gajeel's arms.  "Mind if I tag along?" Lisanna asked Natsu. He smiled and nodded. The exceed squad got together. And so did the Thunder Legion.

"Can we come with you Natsu?" Romeo asked, Wendy by his side.

"Uh sure!" He gave a big smile and the search was on!

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