Chapter 24: Haunted

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Normal POV:

She rubbed her bounding head when Happy bursted through the door, throwing them self into Lucy. "Hi Happy." She smiled and hugged the crying exceed.

"We missed you so much Lucy!" He cried. Lucy patted his head and Gray pulled him off her.

"Gray, Erza. Lisanna?" She questioned. Lisanna had tears stream down her face. "Listen all of y-" Lisanna suddenly began hugging Lucy tightly. Lucy laughed.

"I'm sorry I said all of those things about hating you!" Lucy patting her head and giggled.

"Your sorry? I'm the one who put Erza, Mira and you in the hospital, I'm really sorry!" Lisanna laughed and Erza too.

"How are you feeling?" Gray asked. Lucy's smile faded.

"Weak and helpless." She signed. Zena held her hands out and opened them. Inside were 10 Zodiac keys. Lucy started to tear up. Zena hugged her and Lucy squeezed her tight. Then her eyes widened. "Natsu," she whispered. "Where's Natsu!? He was chained up with me before I blacked out." Not one person looked at her. They didn't want to let her. "So then it's true about what Zeref said."

"Papa? What did he say?" Zena leaned forward.

"That Natsu is END." They all nodded they heads. "A-and according to him, I was the key to unleashing END." They all looked at her.

Lucy's POV

I can still feel some pain from my death. It was weird being dead. I could hear everything but saw nothing. I was so dark and scary. I can no longer use magic, I will never be able to see my spirits again! Maybe I'll take them to Yukino at Sabertooth. "A-and according to him, I was the key to unleashing END." Suddenly something felt weird. It was terrifying but no one seems to notice. Then a demonic version of Natsu appeared in the room at the foot of my bed.

"Lucky Lucy Heartfilia. Isn't that your name beautiful." He smirked at me evilly. My heart began to race in fear. "I think I'm gonna call you Lucky, oh and thanks for the magic!" My head felt like it was about to explode. I held it and screamed with my eyes open. I shook and my breathing was heavy and fast.

"Get away from me!" I screamed. The pain from before came surging through my body again. Pain worst then hell. "Ahhhh!!!" I screaming again making everyone jumped from their seats.

"Mama?" Zena was scared but I don't think anyone saw END. Erza and Gray rushed out of the room. I fell back in my bed arched my back in pain.

"Someone please help me!" I yelled. Then master and Mavis came into the room. Master give me a shot and I slowly black out.

Normal POV

As Lucy slowly drifted to sleep the guild got silent. Zena was shaking. "What's wrong with Mama?" She asked Mavis pulling on her dress.

"She just started screaming and yelling for someone to get away from her." Erza explained. Juvia walked in with Wendy.

"Maybe it's the shock of coming back from the dead." Juvia suggested hugged Gray's arm.

"Not likely. She would have have a reaction before if that was the case." Erza corrected. They all leave the room and enter the guild hall. The guild was quickly rebuild thanks to Laki's wood-make magic.

"Hey Warrod can't you go into Lucy's mind or something that you can see what she was talking about?" Cana asked drinking a barrel of alcohol. Warrod thought for a moment.

"Oh yeah maybe I can be useful for something!" He says down on the floor with his legs crossed and his hands on his head. After a few minutes of silence he spoke. "Okay I think I'm in Lucy's head, I see Zeref and Natsu chained to a stone thing."

"Lucy said her and Natsu were chained up, I think you got it!" Gray whispered.

"Now Zeref is talking to her about Natsu being END and that because Lucy have 5 things that it makes her perfect. Oh no, somethings happening. Pain. Pain everywhere. She is begging for Zeref to kill her. Then everything goes black." He looks at his guild. They all leaning towards him. Juvia throwing something at him.

"Keep going!" They all shout together.

"Okay! So I'm in the infirmary talking to you guys then her head starts to hurt really bad. Finally something is at the foot of her bed! It's END. He says he'll call her Lucky and she starts screaming. She's feeling the same pain as when she was chained up which is a lot. They she feel asleep." He opened his eyes only to eye Fairy Tail shocked and surprised. Mavis wipes a tears from her glowing face.

"END is haunting her." She says grabbing all the attention away from Worrad.

Zena's POV

The guild is so quiet for a while but it feels like a life time. I think they all hate me but I wouldn't blame them. I did this to Mama! I stand and walk onto the stage. Clearing my throat got everyone's attention. "Um... I'm sorry." I say. They all just stare at me. "It's my fault that everything happened. If I have never came here this would have n-" I was stopped by Mira. Tears ran down my face.

"I don't blame you, and I don't think anyone really does." She smiles at me and more tears run down.

"It's not your fault, your a Fairy Tail wizard and we all make mistakes." No other then Wendy. Does she even remember our fight. And not everyone makes a huge mistake like this one!

"If anyone's to blame it's Zeref!" Gray shouted. Papa is the best person to blame. He was the one that told me to come here to the first place.

"We're Fairy Tail!" Juvia shouted. They were all happy now. I wiped my tears and smiled brightly.

"We are going to save Lucy and Natsu!" Lisanna shouted pointing her finger in the air. Then each person did that. It was the Fairy Tail signal.

"We can do anything we're Fairy Tail!" Mavis cried jumping in the air. Happiness and laughter spread through the guild like and virus that I started. It's like they forgot everything and that Onii-chan and papa are out there now. After all of you can't beat them join them, so I began to laugh and party along with my friends and guild mates 

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