Chapter 17: And the Search Is On!

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Natsu's POV:

Me and my group of Lisanna, Wendy and Romeo when searching in the middle of the forest while the other groups spread out in different directions. "We should just walk around randomly and try to find it!" Romeo said joking. We all laughed. It was a while since I smiled.

"Um Natsu?" Wendy asked. I walked over to her. She was standing still in front of nothing. I looked in the same direction she was facing. "It's a magically barer." She whispered. Lisanna and Romeo had to come closer to hear her. She placed her hands in the air like a wall was there. Then she leaded against it. "See?!" She screamed. Lisanna let off the red flare to know the others we found something.

This is Natsu. My group found a magical barer that seems to be covering something. I sent up my flare. He said through telepathy. Soon after all of the members were in front of me. "Let us take a look at that!" Levy and Freed said together. They stepped forward and began analyzing the barer. All I could care about was Lucy. And the bitch Zena! We trusted her, and what does she do? Take Lucy away from us! Then Laxus spoke and brought me back to reality.

"Wait, our mission is to capture Lucy. But does anyone now how to actually help her?" The forest was silence. Shit! We totally forgot she was corrupted.

"Actually yes." Master Mavis said. She walked over to the barer and it fall, thanks to the work of Levy and Freed. There it stood. We were all in shook. A huge castle. "This is Zeref's Palace. Lucy is inside." She said again. I shook my head and began running towards the castle. Here we come Lucy!

Zeref's POV:

The barer was breached. Of course it was. Nothing can stop the great Fairy Tail, leaded by none other then the my dear Mavis. "You can do whatever to want Mavis. Your not getting your hands on my prize." I whispered to myself. Suddenly my doors were broken down by Jackal.

"Lord Zeref!" He shouted. I smiled. He stopped talking. "I see." Then he left the room.

Zena's POV:

I saw with Mama. She was still in pretty bad shape after her challenge so I didn't want to left her. Then Ezel came into our room with a huge lock. "Young Mistress, we have must keep you and Lady Lucy in this room until further notice. Something has entered the barer." I gasped silently. I looked back at Mama while Ezel hooked the lock on the door with many big chains.

"Looks like it's just me and you." I smiled, talking to Mama. I sniffed the air and ran to the large window Mama would lift me up so I can sit on the ledge. I peeked my head over the ledge and saw them. I knew it cause I smelt them. It was Fairy Tail. There probably trying take Mama away from me. I got so red from anger. "Dark Magic Barer!" I shouted as I ran my two fingers along the edges of the large room. "Now let's see," after I outlined the room I thought about what the barer would allow and not allow. "Oh! Only demons created by Papa shall enter!" I shouted. The out linings of the room glowed blue and suddenly stopped. "Okay, we're save now Mama." I walked back to Mama and rested my head on her soft chest 

Normal POV:

The Fairy Tail guild carefully entered the castle after Natsu ran in without a second thought. It was huge and empty, not to mention dark. Then what startled the group was Seilah appearing in front of them. "Hello, welcome to Zeref's Palace." She said calmly with a smile. She stared at Lisanna and Elfman who were standing next to each other. They both backed up. "It's not that I don't like having company but, you must leave now." She said with the same expression on her face.

"Where's Lucy?!" Natsu shouted. Seilah's smiled faded.

"Like I would tell you where Lady Lucy was just like that." She snapped her fingers on the word 'that'. "And plus, she hates each and everyone of you and your stupid guild!" She screamed. Gray and Natsu clenched their hands into fists and their teeth making a 'tech' sound. "Now leave. Or we will have to force you to leave!" Her face was scary. The demons then appeared behind her. Kyoka stepped forth and looked around the crowd of fairies.

"Wow so the Dark Fairy beat Erza so bad that she's not here!" She laughed holding her stomach and leaning forward. "But seriously you need to leave." Her face turning serious.

"We aren't leaving without Lucy." Natsu protested.

"Then I guess we have to fight." Gray smiled and fist bumped Natsu. They both grinned and ran towards the demons. The rest of Fairy Tail following.

Zena's POV:

I woke up next to Mama on the bed to the sound of fighting. "Their here." I whispered. I looked down at the bed and glanced at my dark guild mark. I giggled. "I did it." I said loudly. "Mama is all mine!" I began to laugh evilly. Then I shouted laughing. My eyes open staring at the ceiling. "I guess I was right to keep Papa a secret! I'm just like him!" I stopped laughing at covered my mouth because I totally forgot about Mama being asleep. "And the best thing about being the daughter of a black wizard," I paused. "Is I can kill whoever I want and get feel bad!" I laughed so hard I fell off the bed making a loud THUMP.

Natsu's POV:

"Fire Dragon Roar!" I shouted and my fire was to the demons. Thanks to my dragon senses, I hear someone laughing. And it was creepy laughing. Then Wendy came next to me.

"I heard that too." She said. "You should grab a small team and go find Lucy. We can handle this!" She gave my a smile. I then rounded up Levy, Gray, Lisanna, Romeo and Elfman. They all followed me to where I heard the laughing.

We raced through the palace making sharp turns and tripping over the carpet. Well I made sharp turns and tripped over the carpet maybe about more then a few times.

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