Chapter 19: Three demons vs. Three dragons

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Normal POV:

Lucy, Jackal and Zena all were surrounded by Fairy Tail. The guild hall was split in half again. "No one is fighting in my guild hall!" Makarov shouted. Jackal grinned and snapped his fingers.

"You talk to much." He said and a big yellow explosion carried Makarov to the other side of the hall was a BANG! Each person had a scary aura around them.

"Looks like you really pissed them off." Lucy laughed giving a high-five to Jackal. Then most of the guild members started to attack. The only ones not were Lucy's close friends. Attack after attack the three dark ones didn't even very much. They dogged each blow calmly and swiftly. Zena even had her eyes closed, while Jackal and Lucy had a sinister smile from ear to ear.

10 minutes later and not one attack hit the dark ones. The guild when silent because the members attacking were all out of magic power. "Looks like it's our turn Mama!" Zena let out an evil laugh and smiled evilly. She was really Zeref's daughter. Lucy patted her head and jumped onto the air.

"Black Beaming light!" She shouted. The beam scraped up the walls, the floor and injured some guild members that she cared nothing for.

"Stop it, Lucy!" Mirajane cried standing up from kneeing over Makarov. "We are not your enemy!" Lucy's smile from hurting people vanished.

"So your saying Tartarus is?" She asked landing between Jackal and Zena.

"Yes! They are the ones who corrupted you into darkness!" Levy joined in.

"How dare you say that! You are the ones who hurt Lady Lucy!" Jackal screamed. He waved his arm to front of him once and summoned a chain of explosions. By now not one person was standing.

"We came Mama a home, not like you all did!" Zena had tears falling from her eyes. Lucy blushed on how they stood up for her. "Black dragon wing attack!" Broken beams on the floor split even more. Finally three dragon slayers were up. They were a little wobbly on their feet but able to stand.

"Three demons against three dragon slayers!" Gajeel taunted. Natsu didn't like that.

"Lucy isn't one of them." He whispered to himself. Wendy had a pout on her same face. She hated fighting but hated her friends being hurt even more.

"I'll get puppy dog over here!" He joked running to Jackal.

"I'll fight Zena." Wendy ran to her opponent. Natsu was left no choice. It hurt him just to punch her in the stomach but fight her!

Natsu's POV:

No not her. I'll fight anyone but her. Why? Couldn't Wendy take her. I have one problem fighting a child. But not my Lucy. Gajeel called her a demon. Is that true? Is the Lucy I know gone? Or was she never then in the first place? She started at me. Then she smiled, teeth and all. A took a step back and held my head in my hands. I wanted to drop to the floor but I know I couldn't. "She hurt Mira, she hurt Erza, she hurt Lisanna." I whispered over and over again.

"Why don't you just cover your eyes while you fight me?" Lucy started to crack up laughing. Joking or not, I ripped a piece of cloth from the Fairy Tail banner in front of me and wrapped it around my head in front of my eyes. Then I got into a fighting stance. "Finally." She stopped laughing and we began our fight.

Normal POV:

Wendy and Zena's fight was outside when the two children jumped into the air and landed outside. "Sky Dragon Roar!"

"Dark Dragon Roar!" The roars met in the middle and created a large blast that caused the girls to get launched back into the ground. Wendy landed on her feet and slid back while Zena landed and slid on her back. Wendy bursted into the air with wind from her feet.

"Sky dragon wing attack!" It hit Zena multiple times with her arms in the shape of an 'X'. She let out a yelp.

"Ahh!" After the wind was gone she got up with scraped up arms. "I won't let you take Mama away from me!" She got up slowly but Wendy kicked her in the stomach making her fall again. "She's finally happy, and you want to take her happiness away again!" Wendy punched her to the stomach again. She coughed up blood.

"You were my friend Zena." Waterworks started to flow down both tired girls. "Why was Lucy not happy? Why didn't she tell us? We could have helped!" Standing over Zena she brought her hands to her face and covered it.

"It was your guild had made her feel sorrow and fear. When in this guild she couldn't see her father before he died, she hurt many people, lost the only friend she had growing up, forced danger on innocent people and you people killed her mom!" Wendy gasped. She looked down at the screaming child.

"W-what d-do you mean?" Wendy asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Because Mrs. Layla could see the future." She laid on the grass on her back and looked up at the sky. A perfect shade of blue. "She knew that Mama would join Fairy Tail so to make sure her daughter is safe," she closed her eyes and breathed in and out slowly. "She told papa not to go to war with you. And for that she will give her life." She opened her eyes and looked at Wendy. She was in shock. Her mouth was open as wide as her eyes were. "I guess you know where that story ends up. Layla gave her life to save Fairy Tail but you horrible people rather hurt then talk!"

"Sky dragon punch!" Wendy's fist landed right in the center of Zena's stomach. She then fall unconscious. Wendy fell to her knees and covered her face with her hands again and began sobbing. "We are the reason that Lucy's mom died?" She asked herself.

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