Chapter 13: Zena's Home

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Lucy's POV:

He bowed before me like I was a princess. "It's you." I told him. He smiled sweetly and stood back up.

"Listen. I'm sorry for hurting you a while back. I was only acting for my Lord." I smiled and held Zena's hand as we entered the huge palace. Zena then ran up to him and hugged him.

"Jackal!" She cried. Jackal. Jackal is one of the nine demon gates that attacked Fairy Tail about two years ago.

"Hello Young Mistress!" He then gently lowered her onto the floor. "Are you both excited to see My Lord?" I nodded with a evil grin.

"Yeah Papa!" Zena began to run to front of me and I followed, walking with Jackal.

"Do you understand. I only harmed your guild Lady Lucy because you were a threat to My Lord and The Young Mistress." He was being sincere. I smiled and giggled.

"Don't worry about it. Fairy Tail is just another pebble under my foot." I showed him my guild mark. He took my hand, which made me blush, and he sniffed it. He then smiled and let go of my hand.

"Congratulations Lady Lucy! Your dark side has been released." His face lit up. I couldn't help but smile. Not long after we strolled through the palace we ended up at a huge double door. Zena placed her hands on the doors and pushed. The doors slowly opened revealing a dark room with dark red walls and a simple long carpet leading up to a throne chair.

"Papa!" Zena yelled tanning on the carpet up to the throne. She then hugged the man sitting on the throne. I couldn't get a good look at the mans face from the darkness but I can tell he has black hair and is pale. He wore a dark coat with a white stripe across his chest. He hugged back and then stood while holding her. He made his way over to me and I saw his face. I fell to the floor in shook. "Mama!" Zena screamed. I sat back up and looked into his dark eyes. He smiled softly.

"Z-Zeref?" I questioned. Jackal took my hand and pulled me up. Zeref walked closer to me with the same smile on his face.

"Are you surprised to see me, Lady Lucy?" He laughed. Zena still in his arms hugged him tighter. "I mean you saw Jackal and you've seen Zena's magic power." He placed his hand on my shoulder it was warm. I blushed and smiled a little.

"It your Zena's father then it should be you that I thank for giving me this power." I bowed. He laughed. I looked up to see his face filled to the brim with joy. This isn't the same Zeref that we fought. This Zeref is a kind, sweet and gently man. Not to mention the father of the sweetest girl I know. 

Normal POV:

Not long after Lucy met Zeref, him and Zena showed Lucy around her new home. The place was huge and it was called Zeref's Palace. It was a beautiful place with some places dark and creepy while other places had bright colors. Zena scrolled through the walls while holding Lucy's hand and Zeref's hand. When Lucy's was shown her room her jaw dropped. Light blue walls with a huge glass window next to a king size bed with a purple blanket neatly placed over it with 4 white pillows. The room also had a large dresser holding many clothes for Lucy. Lucy ran into the room and jumped onto the bed. "I'm glad you like it Lady Lucy!" Zeref stated. "But we have you more room to show you." He then grabbed her hand and pulled her to a room across the hall. She turned so red. In the room was a large table stretching from one end to the room to the next. "This is the dinning room. Every night we eat dinner together as a family." She looked around the room and saw the another demons smiling at her sitting at the table with so much food on it. Zena ran to the end of the table and sat down. Lucy sat next to Zena while Zeref sat at the other end.

"To welcome Lady Lucy into our home and family each demon with say something." The demon Jackal said. At the beginning of the table Kyoka stood up.

"If you are here then that means you have in braced the darkness in your heart. And for that I said welcome Lady Lucy." She sat back down. Then the demon Seilah stood up.

"I promise to protect you and love you as our newest family member. Welcome Lady Lucy." She sat back down. The demon Franmalth stood.

"How much is family members worth? How much, how much? Welcome Lady Lucy!" Next Tempester.

"My immorality will never be long enough to tell you how much I welcome you to our family." He smiled. Next Torafuzar (who goes by the name Tora)

"All I can say is we have met on terrible terms. I hope with you being a part of our family we can put that behind us." Lucy blushed as each of her new family and guild members talk about her in good ways. Ezel stood and smiled with teeth and all.

"Welcome Lady Lucy!" Is all he said. Lucy giggled a bit and looked at Zena who was smiling and laughing. Finally Keyes began to stand.

"I hope we all showed you how much you now mean to us Lady Lucy. And I hope you will never forget the love that we now give you." Lucy started to tear up until Zena stood up shaking the table.

"Mama I'm so happy that you are now part of my big family. I always thought of you as a mama and I love you. All of you!" She shouted as each of them raised their glasses. Lucy and Zena did the same.

"I am the Dark Fairy! And I will destroy Fairy Tail with the help of my new guild and new family!"

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