Chapter 26: Sabertooth

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Lucy's POV

Me, Gray, Erza, Juvia, Wendy and Zena finally reached the train. It was nice not to have anyone almost juke all over me. "So Aquarius' key seems fine." Gray said breaking the silence. I looked at my hands and I was holding the keys very tight. I picked up Aquarius and rubbed her key with my thumb.

"Yeah." A small smile made the others smile. Zena put her head in my lap so I stroked her head.

"You guys really are like a family!" Juvia joked. I laughed. My hands were still shaky and I was so scared. I don't like people worrying about me so all I can do is smile.

"Why didn't Happy or Carla come?" Zena asked. She loved playing with them.

"They didn't want to see Frosch or Lector." Wendy answered. I giggled a bit.

When the train came to a stop we all piled out with Zena asleep on my back. Gray saw I was struggling and put a hand over my shoulder. "I'll take her, don't exhaust yourself." He smiled and put Zena on his back. Erza took out a large map and pointed South.

"This way!" She cried out getting the attention of many strangers. We started walking for a bit then Erza, who was in front stopped short. "Um..." I tilted my head in confusion. "I think we might be lost." She scratched the back of her head still not facing us. Gray passed Zena over to Juvia who gladly accepted her. I guess she always wanted a kid. Gray got in front of Erza and they both started yellin at each other.

"What idiot doesn't know how to read a map?!"

"Who the hell do you think your talking to?!"

"Give me the map!"

"No!" Me, Juvia and Wendy just stood back watching the two fight like children over a small piece of paper. Finally the map gave out and ripped in half. Gray and Erza frozen and looked at the broken paper.

"Uh Oh." They stated in unison. Wendy stepped forward with her head held high.

"I smell Sting and Rogue!" She pointed out. Wendy was in front now and we followed her to a huge building with a black Sabertooth guild mark on it.

"It's huge!" Juvia shouted. Gray took Zena back on his back and we all walked into the loud guild. Everyone went silent and stared at us. It was really weird.

"Fairy Tail?!" They all shouted at the same time. Suddenly a blonde boy about my age came out of a room on the second floor at the mention of Fairy Tail. He jumped off the balcony and landed in front of us.

"Hi, I'm Sting. Sabertooth's new master. What can I do for you all?" He asked. Erza walked up to Minvera. She was the one that hurt me during the Grand Magic Games. They started talking and laughing. Gray also saw Rufus. He was the one who Gray beat in the Grand Magic Games. They started talking also with Juvia beside him. Rogue came down the stairs and greeted us. And talking with Wendy after. Suddenly I was hugged by a person from behind. I looked and saw a white haired girl.

"Yukino!" I shouted and hugged her back. "Listen I came to get you something. Can we go somewhere private?" She nodded and brought my team and I to a small room along with Sting and Rogue. She sat down and I place my keys on the coffe table in front of us.

"Your keys?" She asked. I nodded and pushed them over to her.

"Your the only one I trust we these. I can no longer use them. I'm no longer a wizard of any kind." The three were in shock. Mouths hung open and eyes wide.

"Lucy," I pushed the keys over to her and she picked them up. "I'm so sorry! Okay, I'll take your spirits and care for them. You can trust me." She gave me and sweet smile and hugged her new 10 keys.

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