Chapter 8: Training

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Natsu's POV:

It was 11:45pm and me and Happy were walked to Lucy's. "Hey Natsu!"
Happy shouted from the sky. "Isn't that Lucy and Zena?" He pointed to the playground. I sniffed the air and caught a whiff of vanilla, Lucy. We walked over to where two people were sleeping on the grass. I couldn't see their face but knew that is was Zena and Lucy.

"Hey, Lucy," I poked her cheek.

"Zena, you awake?" Happy poked her too. I picked up Lucy bridal style and Happy carried Zena by her arms.

"Come on, let's bring them home." I said looking down at Lucy. She was so cute when she slept. Her hair was a mess and all in her face. I couldn't help but blush at her.

Lucy's POV:

The last thing I remember was felling asleep on the grass with Zena and now I'm in my bed! I look to my right and saw Zena passed up on the couch. I look to my left and see Natsu and Happy next to me. But I couldn't get mad. I softly shook them and they woke up. "Natsu come on and get up." I laughed walking over to the couch. "Wake up Zena." I shook her too. "I'm going to shower then were all going to go to the guild together!" I said to each person. They just nodded as they yawned half asleep.

After my shower that felt amazing, we all got dressed and walked together. Zena holding my right hand and Natsu walked on my left side, while Happy flew above us. When we finally arrived at the guild Natsu kicked open the doors. "Wow, you guys look like a real family!" Mira laughed. I rolled my eyes and sat at the bar with Zena still holding my hand tightly. "What can I getcha?" Mira asked putting a cut in the cabinet behind the bar.

"Strawberry milkshake." I ordered.

"Chocolate milk!" Zena shouted jumped onto the stood. Mira gave both our orders. We started talking for a bit until Master came out of his office.

Makarov's POV:

"Attention fairies!" I shouted from the second floor. I looked down at my child and noticed Zena and Lucy at the bar. I stared at Zena for a moment before continuing my speech. "Today we will have a day for training. You will be able to train outside for the whole day. It will help me choose the next S-class trials and see how much you'll have grown." I hate lying but it was for a good reason. I want to see more of Zena's magic power. Everyone want outside.

Normal POV:

The training had targets, magic projection opponents, MPF (magic power finder) and they can face each other too. Lucy, and Levy began to battle it out with Zena on the sidelines not leaving her Mamas side. "A nice, fair fight right Lu?" Levy said winking and smiling.

"Totally Levy!" She responded. They the match began. "Open gate of the golden bull, Tarus!" Lucy shouted with a swipe of her key. Tarus run towards Levy with his axe in hand. He swung at Levy but she jumped and doves his attack.

"Solid Script: Fire!" Levy shouted with a swipe of her finger. Blazing fire came toward Lucy she took out another key and swung it around.

"Aries!" She shouted. A wall of hard fluff protected Lucy and her spirit from the fire.

"Water!" Levy shouted. Aries and Tarus disappeared but the fluff was still standing. Water hit the wall and it fell. But Lucy jumped into the air and landed gracefully on her feet behind Levy. She took her glowing whip and wrapped it around Levy's neck once.

"I win!" Lucy shouted, releasing Levy. Zena then ran onto the battle field and tackled Lucy with a hug.

"Good job, Mama!" She shouted. The Wizards watching the match gasped and laughed. Lisanna walked over to Lucy and Zena.

"Good job Lucy!" She said high-fiving Lucy. "Hey why does she call you 'mama'?" She asked. Lucy blushed.

"Well since she lives with me and she doesn't have one I said she can call me that." Lisanna laughed.

"Your so nice!" She said.

Lucy's POV:

After my talk with Lisanna is was Zena's turn to fight. "Erza?" Zena asked. I just stood behind her.


"May I fight you for training?" Zena was looking right at Erza. She nodded and they both got into the the battle field. I stood on the sidelines and watched.

Erza started by requiping into her black amour. Zena ran to her with her fists covered with a black light. She tried to hit Erza but she dodged each punch. Erza then took her large sword and hit Zena in the middle of her stomach. She then went sliding across the grass but landed on her feet. Zena then bounced off the ground and kicked Erza's sword. It immediately shattered. I looked over to the left and saw Master. He was very interested in the fight. Much more then anyone. But back to the fight. Zena went to punch Erza again with black fists but Erza requiped into another sword and hit Zena right on the head. Ouch! Zena then crashes hard into the ground creating a creator as she slide on the ground. "Looks like she isn't indestructible." Erza mumbled to herself, although I was right behind her.

"Zena!" I shouted. She wasn't moving. I ran to the over side of the field but still out of the way. Then I saw her twitch. She was crying. Tears running down her face. Erza looked at her and had guilt all over her face.

"Don't worry Mama." She said standing back up. Her clothes were torn and she was all dirty. She then closed her eyes and stood still. Finally she took a step back with her right foot and a step in front with her left. Her right arm in front of her straight while her left arm is straight out to the side. Zena was in a battle stance. "DARK DRAGON ROAR!" She shouted. All of the dragon slayers then ran to the battle field to witness her roar. A huge black beam come from her mouth and hit Erza. She went flying back and hit the closest tree. Each and every single person was shocked and could even move. Myself included.

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