Heart Castle Hallway

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Alice and Vivaldi reached a door shaped like a heart. Inside was, well, Vivaldi's room. Alice walked in, admiring everything. It was so elegant and fit for a queen. Everything was in heart shapes, even the bed. There were many other doors in the bedroom as well.

"Do you still have all your stuffed animals?" Alice asked. She liked to go in that room with Vivaldi every once in while. Vivaldi pointed to one of the doors.

"Stuffed animals are over there. Next to that is the walk in closet. And on the other side of the wall is the spa/bathroom," Vivaldi giggled. She really liked her new room! Vivaldi sat Alice down in front of a mirror. She started to brush Alice's hair, like she was her older sister. Alice blushed, remembering all the good times the two of them had. "Alice, tell me a little bit about your world? Any cute boys?" Vivaldi teased. She was fitting right in.

"Well, there are my four friends I made. First there's Amy. She is dearly loved by everyone in our group, but she's a trouble maker," Alice implied. Vivaldi thought of a second.

"She's the new Elliot March," Vivaldi blurted. Alice didn't know what she meant, so ignored it.

"There is also Ramin. Just by looking at him, he brings great joy into peoples lives. He always smiles and has a fun time at everything. But he does get lost a lot!" Alice laughed.

"Ace," Vivaldi said. She continued to brush Alice's hair.

"Ralph is another one. He does mostly all sports at school, except fencing and swimming. He always meows when he scores a goal," Alice mentioned.

"Sounds like Boris..." Vivaldi commented. Alice didn't understand why Vivaldi kept saying such weird things.

"One of my best friends is Sibyl. She is the Queen of Hearts..." Vivaldi stopped brushing Alice's hair and turned red.

"How dare he make another me! I'll have that Nightmare killed for that!" Vivaldi stormed. It finally kicked in to Alice. Her friends were all copies of people she had met in Wonderland.

"Was Nightmare behind it?" Alice asked, with some concern in her voice. She prayed he wasn't, but knew the trust deep down. Vivaldi looked at Alice in the mirror, knowing Alice was upset.

"I would never want to hurt you Alice. So I am going to tell you a secret. Yes, Nightmare is behind it all. He's also the one who made your sisters husband, George right, look like Blood." Alice looked up with redness in her eyes, holding in her tears.

"Why... Why would someone do that?" Alice snipped. A tear rolled down her cheek. Vivaldi gave Alice a tissue.

"Who knows what's going through that dirty mind of his..." Vivaldi stuttered. Alice looked in the mirror and noticed her hair. It was perfectly straight and her bow was to the side of her head. She looked like she belonged in Wonderland again. Alice smiled. She looked like her old self again.

"It's perfect." Alice cracked a smile. She wiped away her tears and stood up. Vivaldi wasn't done yet.

"Now it's time to pick out a dress!" Vivaldi beamed. Alice sighed and went with her to the walk in closet. "Which one do you like?" All the walls were filled with countless dress and various outfits. Every dress in the world was in there. Alice was speechless.

"All of them," Alice gasped. Vivaldi laughed and took one off the hanged.

"How about this one?" Vivaldi pulled out a dress. Alice had worn it to her first ball in Wonderland. They put it on Alice, and she looked as pretty as ever.

Alice came out of the closet and walked around Vivaldi's room, with Vivaldi following behind her. She looked elegant and ready for her prince charming. However, the door was wide open, and someone was standing in the middle of it.

"I must say Alice, you might just be the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on..." Alice turned quickly to see who was talking to her. It was none other then Blood Dupre. Alice started to blush like crazy, but Vivaldi wasn't to happy to see her younger brother.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?" Vivaldi demanded. Blood cracked a smile and invited himself in. They really did act like siblings.

"I came to retrieve Alice. Peter, Ace, and Boris need to take her home then bring her back here," Blood informed. Blood started to walk around Alice, admiring the dress.

"Doesn't it look cute?" Vivaldi bragged. Blood nodded his head.

"Why of course. She would look even more cute with a handsome man beside her," Blood smirked. He placed his hand around Alice's waist and pulled her in towards him. Alice couldn't get free from his graphs. "There, perfect." Alice started to blush.

"Alice my darling. I'm coming over with you to your house, right?" Vivaldi asked. Alice had forgotten all about that! She ran into the closet to change.

"Why don't all of you come?" Alice shouted from inside the closet. She opened the door all changed and ready to go. Blood wanted to meet George. So he could rip his heart out. But he would never do that in front of Alice.

"We better be off." Blood implied. Alice grabbed Blood and Vivaldi before they could walk out. 

"You both need to promise to be on your best  behavior. That means no violence," Alice restricted. Blood gave a little sigh of disappointment. He had made big plans to destroy George. He'll just do it when Alice wasn't looking. 

"I will promise not to do anything if you sleep in my hallway," Blood bargained. Alice thought about it and agreed. That was a reasonable request, and she was planning on sleeping their anyway. Vivaldi placed her hands on her cheeks.

"You two are so cute together! Alice is going to be my sister-in-law!" Vivaldi fantasized. Vivaldi was the ultimate shipper of Blood and Alice.  They weren't even close to dating, but she had already planned their wedding. Vivaldi strolled out the door, leaving the two loves birds alone. Before Alice could go over more ground rules with Blood, Peter hopped right in. As usually, he jumped to conclusions.

"Alice my love! What are you doing alone with him!" Peter panicked, pointing right at Blood. For once, Blood was just standing straight and not all over Alice. Blood took this opportunity to tease the poor girl.

"She loves me. Is that a crime?" Blood responded. Alice looked up and smacked his chest. She stored past Peter without looking back. They were all so irritating. Peter reached out to claim his love, but Blood stopped him. 

"No matter how hard you try bunny, you can't control her heart." Blood released Peter and walked off after Alice. Peter didn't care for what that Hatter had to say. He knew that Alice loved him. Alice loved everyone. She could never choose one when it came down to it. Peter gave a little sigh to himself, remembering how hard it was bring everyone to this new world. 

"Why did I bring them all here with me?" Peter asked himself, placing his hand over his head. "I was lucky enough that Ace forgot to tell Julius about the trip, but the others are a pain." Peter looked down at his watch and jumped back. He was late.


Hey everyone! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. It's been forever since I've been on Wattpad. I am very busy these days. Please comment, like, and add the story if you haven't. Have a wonderful day!

~Blair Anderson

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