Ball at the Castle

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(Play the music if you want, for background noises)

There was a beautiful ball being held at the Hearts Castle. Most of the role holders had already left the territory, so it was just Alice and Peter on the role holder level. The faceless guests and Vivaldi were dressed up and dancing the night away on the crystal floor.

"YOU'RE LEAVING!" Peter cried with a shriek. He had worked so hard to bring Alice there and he had just heard the news that she wanted to the Country of Hearts. Peter wasn't happy with this decision. 

"I have to wake up form this dream. It's the only way I can see my sisters again," Alice responded. She thought of leaving along time ago, but she loved the people and enjoyed the County of Hearts!

"Alice, please don't leave! I'll have a heartache forever! Don't do this to me! YOU'RE MY ONLY LOVE!" Peter cried. He fell to his knees and held on to the rim of her dress, using it as a tissue. She pushed his face away from her and took a few steps back for a precaution. He hates everyone. The only person he ever liked was Alice, and now she was leaving him.

"I don't belong here Peter. You know that. I know I drank the potion, but I don't feel like I'm supposed to be here." Alice didn't belong there, because she had a heart while everyone else had a clock.

Before Peter could argue with Alice, Vivaldi had come upstairs to see her little princess. Vivaldi had helped pick Alice's dress. She knew Alice wasn't good at fashion, but she was amazing at wearing it! That's what Vivaldi loved so much about Alice. She's like the little sister she never had. Vivaldi paraded over to Alice excited.

"Oh Alice, are you enjoying the ball?" Vivaldi loves throwing big party with Alice. They were so much fun and better than being a judge in a trial. That was boring.

"Of course! I need to tell you something your majesty." Alice started to gather up the little courage she had.

"Go right ahead." Vivaldi thought it was going to be something like, can I spend the night or can you behead Peter. She liked the second thought, but that wasn't even close to what Alice had said her.

"I'm leaving," Alice stated. They looked into each others eyes for a few moments, trying to read the other.

"The party?" Vivaldi asked with some concern in her voice.

"No, Wonderland." Vivaldi just stared at Alice, jaw dropped. Peter was already in a ball, crying in the corner. Hearing it again made his new depression worse. Vivaldi didn't know what to say. She didn't want Alice to leave. Alice was...

"What has that Clock Maker said to you!" Vivaldi demanded! She knew Alice didn't want to leave. Julius always told Alice that she didn't belong there, and just now it kicked in for Alice.

"No, Vivaldi. I made this choice on my own." Alice was getting a little nervous because she saw that the Queen was not happy.

"Alice darling. I don't think you know how this will affect me!" Vivaldi raised her voice. They looked over at Peter, who was still crying. He was a mess. Alice didn't think he would ever heal from this.

"Everything I did! Was for nothing!" Peter cried! He got out his handkerchief and blew his nose. Alice tried to apologize to Vivaldi, but nothing would work.

"It seems you have left me with no choice. We're just going to have to lock you in a room. CALL THE GUARDS..." Before Vivaldi could finish, Peter ran over and pulled Alice behind him, protecting her from the Queen.

"NO! I know everyone wants her to stay, but she shouldn't stay here because we forced her too! If you really love her the way I do..." Peter stopped and looked Alice in the eyes. "You will let her go!" Vivaldi did not like this!

"I'll have your head..." Vivaldi was stopped by Alice.

"What if Peter can bring me back to Wonderland," Alice suggested. Peter and Vivaldi looked at her like she was the craziest person they had ever saw, which is saying a lot. Peter looked down and started to have a wicked smile. Vivaldi was still shocked with the idea.

"It's not as easy as you think!" Peter snickered. It would take along time to make the potion and Vivaldi couldn't wait that long.

"Look, the main reason I want to go back is to see my friends and family again. When Peter kidnapped me, I never got to say goodbye. Maybe if Peter comes up to my world again, he can take me when I've said my goodbyes?" Alice was trying to think of a better idea, but Vivaldi liked it!

"I think it's the perfect way to get Alice back!" Vivaldi was excited! She couldn't wait for Alice to be gone and than see her again! Vivaldi pushed Peter out of the way and gave Alice a sisterly hug. Peter got annoyed because a second ago the lady who was hugging Alice wanted to lock her up!

"Peter, do you think you'll be able to do it?" Alice asked with her beautiful smile. Peter couldn't say no, but he also couldn't say yes, because he had no idea if he could.

"I'll try my love. I want you to come back, so I'll try," Peter responded calmly. Alice was thrilled! She was able to go home and than come back to Wonderland!

"Peter I love you so..." Alice was about to finish her sentence when Ace walked into the castle. Peter wasn't to happy about that!

"Is that my little heart girl!" Ace waved to Alice and walked up to see her. "I'm so happy I get to see you! This just made my day! I've been on duty."

Before Ace could give her a hug, Peter pulled Alice in for a kiss. For once, Alice didn't struggle or try to escape. She let Peter enjoy it. This motivated Peter to start making the potion.

"Bye Alice, my one love. See you as soon as I can," Peter hopped away with the biggest smile on his face. Ace started to walk towards Alice!

"Now that we're alone!" Ace went in for a kiss, but Vivaldi cleared her throat. Ace turned around startled! Vivaldi walked up to Ace.

"Well Knave, I'm afraid you don't know this, but Alice is leaving the Country of Hearts," Vivaldi turned around and walked back to her guest. Ace stood there, shocked. Why would Alice want to leave the country of hearts? There was that one time when Ace tried to kill her, but she forgave him? Right? There must be another reason.

"Ace, I know this is big news. I just have a favor to ask? Are you able to escort me to the Amusement Park tonight?" Alice knew they were going to get lost, but she would rather get lost with Ace than walk alone. Ace agreed and waited for Alice to change.

When Alice retuned from her room, she was in her normal blue dress with her white apron. Ace and Alice walked out of the Castle of Hearts and began their journey to the Amusement Park.

Back to Wonderland (Heart no kuni no Alice fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon