Roses are Red

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Alice wakes up in her bed.

Alice: The others!

Alice runs around the mansion finding another person. Alice runs to the rose garden and see's Vivaldi and Blood on the swing.

Vivaldi: Why are the roses not red. Paint the roses red!

Blood: This is not your garden.

Vivaldi: Poor Alice.

Blood: Why?

Vivaldi: Because she could be so happy in Wonderland, but we have people like the Joker and Nightmare and you.

Blood: What about your family?

Vivaldi: My family brought her here.

Alice walks towards Vivaldi and Blood.

Vivaldi: Alice. You're here.

Alice: I've been asleep in my room. When did you guys get here?

Vivaldi: Just now. Nightmare teleported us.

Alice: Of course he did.

Blood: Doesn't sound like a Nightmare thing?

Alice: He read my thoughts.

Blood: That sounds like a Nightmare thing. Pervert.

Alice: Well he's my pervert, thank you very much. He just saved your life.

Vivaldi: He was late. He's head should be cut off.

Alice: He didn't know.

Blood: Yes he did. He was there.

Alice: He's in Wonderland.

Blood: His spirit.

Alice: Now you're starting to see Nightmare.

Alice sits on the swing. Vivaldi and Blood push Alice on the swing.

Alice: I didn't come here to talk about him.

Blood: What did you come here for? You usually wait until I found you.

Alice: I wanted to talk about the party.

Vivaldi: You promised her a party for her to say her goodbyes.

Blood: What do you want?

Alice: I would like it around Christmas. A time where no one can be angry. I also want to invite my sister's.

Blood: Alright.

Vivaldi: And George?

Alice: Him to...

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